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Migrating $CGPT Liquidity on BiSwap DEX AMMv3


A new era of capital efficiency for the $CGPT token on the Binance Smart Chain has arrived with the BiSwap infrastructure upgrade from v2 to v3.

Announced in late June and released in early July of 2023, our partner BiSwap has upgraded its suite of DEFI systems with the implementation of the AMMv3.

Signaling our support for this momentous development, ChainGPT was among the earliest of projects to have migrated its $CGPT/$BUSD liquidity pool from the v2 to v3.

🌊 V2 ➑ V3 Migration TxHash:
$CGPT Token Pool Info:

What is BiSwap AMMv3?

An evolution for on-chain asset market making and trading, the BiSwap AMMv3 is a transformation of the automated market maker mechanism that is enhancing pricing accuracy, reducing transactional friction, and streamlining the process of managing capital in decentralized environments on the Binance Smart Chain.

AMMv3 Benefits

⭐ Up to 80% LP rewards from trading fees
Increasing from the 75% reward distribution level that was provided in the preceding V2, liquidity providers are now able to retain more value for their involvement.

⭐ Multi-Tier Trading Fees
The v2 provided a set percentage for the creation of pools; limiting the creative space for operators. In the V3 BiSwap has introduced a suite of four fee tier levels starting at the lowest end of 0.015%, scaling to 0.08%, 0.28%, and capping at 1%; new possibilities for liquidity providers to invite traders have become possible.

⭐ One-transaction V3 Farms
Setting up farms on the v2 involved a multi-step process that complicated the deployment process and incurred excess network fees. Now users are able to instantiate farms in the V3 with a single transaction.

⭐ Unprecedented capital efficiency
Made possible through a concept known as concentrated liquidity, the flexibility of the V3 model gives LPs a level of custom granularity as to how their capital is utilized in token pools. This control over price range-specific deployment enhanced

⭐ Lower slippage
Having liquidity in the v2 spread out the pricing horizontally throughout a nearly infinite price range, creating shallow book depth. Another added benefit that comes from the concentration of liquidity, higher density within price-bound ranges creates deeper order books, and reduced slippage.

⭐ Seamless one-click migration to V3
To make the process as friendly as possible for market makers that continue to deploy into both versions, a one-click migration function has been introduced. Allowing LPs ease of inter-version liquidity transference and savings on network fees.

⭐ NFT LP ownership certificates
Liquidity providers will now be receiving NFTs that represent the ownership over their pool contributions. These NFTs track the associated data of the contributions and accrue the generated fees to it.

⭐ Limit Order for Traders
Users will now have the opportunity to set limit orders, giving them a higher level of operational flexibility and creativity around their trading plans.

** For a more in-depth explanation of the BiSwap AMM V3 and the benefits it brings, please refer to their official publication on the subject matter available here

ChainGPT is proud to be partnering with such an innovative, forward-thinking project that is constantly contributing to the DEFI industry!

BiSwap Resources:
🌐 Website | πŸ“ƒ Docs | 🐦 Twitter | πŸ’± SwapApp

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