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Free Fall poem 07 [when did you start craving for the things you overlooked before a free fall?]

'so, when did it all start, my dearest heart?' your Brain asked gently. We'll continue with the conversations of the mind, body, & soul again...

'There's an emotion of deception in these faces that you overlooked,' the old Soul is brushing the fur of the rabbit while she says it calmly.
They observe as the magical sky is currently turning into a swirling mass made up of magnetic fluid, displaying different human-like faces, voices, and the other phenomena.
'meh, Idkdc' the rabbit said.
'Oh, Gosh, I try to feel or identify, but it's always so challenging,' the old Soul says, with a tone of concern.
'your fear is unnecessary, lol,' the rabbit teases her.
'I've survived all these years seeing changes, but if it's really unnecessary in this phase of our century, I'd admit it. Yet, we both have no concrete proof about what's labelled as right or wrong, do we? Humans are the measurements that are quite silly, is it not?' she reasons again.
'ya...' the faces above can't believe that the rabbit turns back into the dragon from within, while the dragon agrees to these thoughts.
'Or, maybe, it's both... Like how you could be both too,' the old Soul murmurs.
'what are u even talkin' about?' the dragon seems puzzled.
'The Face of Betrayal, the Face of Pain, the Face of Lost, and all these that we don't recognise... If someone had all these, they're lost in one of the darkest ways. Or, it could be a transformation that's a freedom in disguise,' the old Soul muses. Then, the wisest Brain emerges in the old Soul.
'oh, there you go again... in my personal opinion, people just think that they're not good enough, or have some sorta fear. Or hiding something... Wait a minute, I think I'm becoming like you as I talk more with you,' the dragon is speaking while hiding the golden claws.
'Hahaha... You're always you, okay? Hey, look at that! Both faces being face-to-face while they're waiting for each other to make the first move. How silly!' the Brain is crying out loud while she's pointing at the sky.
'hmmm... fatal attraction that's not supposed to be a loss, but a doorway to freedom, according to our crystal ball,' the dragon stares at a glowing ball.
'I thought it's your pearl the entire time...' the Brain curiously craves an explanation.
'it could be all,' the dragon continues, 'confusion, illusion, etc., but the deception is supposed to be the thing being noticed first instead of these, don't you think?'
'Aren't you the optimist here?' the Brain asks more questions...
'lol, let me just do my thing as always,' the dragon blows fire and draws water at the same time. Both elements encapsulate the ball showing the unseen realms. Tiny little sparkles fade away gradually. The Brain is mesmerised as the old lady comes back with the Brain's aura. The dragon turns into a rabbit-like dragon that's smaller as the size of a pet on her lap.

'I guess something deep is being resolved from time to time... thank you,' the dragon says gently.
'Thank YOU, with lots of love, hope, and light...' the Brain says.

/// they're smiling as they continue looking at the sky, forgetting about where the place is... the void, beyond the void, or somewhere between somewhere and elsewhere... ///

[when did you start craving for the things you overlooked before a free fall?]

the heart keeps quiet
skipping the most torturous parts
trying to pick out the point that amazed the heart and soul.

there, the heart goes again.

You felt wonderful when you first came to this world.
All that's happening in space, time, and reality seemed to interest you.
Or, sort of.

you loved to explore what's within all the tiny little things that
you can touch, see, smell, hear, taste, feel and beyond.
you never stopped asking questions as you went deep into the rabbit hole like Alice.
even when you're turned into a giant or into any forms,
you got excited rather than being horrified at all.
it's your wonderland.
all that you'd ever known had been your wonderland.
you're passionately curious and
you never cared if curiosity kills the cat
like they said.
You just thought of how the cat has nine lives
and the previous eight have to be worth it.
the surroundings were like an apocalypse in Lamentis-1,
but your mind stayed so calm.

you just wandered around
here and there,
until you're attracted by the rocks.
yes, rocks that everyone else just walked past and ignored.
until you meant 'most people' because
you saw something else in your journey after collecting rocks:
a crafting booth to paint real rocks and
a luxurious book stall selling aroma stones with arts.
you looked around and saw some people trading rocks...
huh, how strange that you started off alone, you thought.

you had your unspoken discoveries about your rocks
as you polished them and kissed them with love.

'why even rocks?' your Brain asked, puzzled.

the heart had no answers to that.
although it usually did that with reasons and/or emotions.
this time, the heart would love the brain to feel the emotions.

'it's not about the "why", you see,' the heart said.

'it's about this moment here
that you are just being alive like how 22 in Soul
could never seem to find the "Spark" in life
until 22 experienced life and got ready to just get on Earth,
you see?' the heart said
as if the heart
felt represented by 22
in the Pixar movie.

just a moment to be us worth living...
how wonderful it had been
to appreciate
all the rocks on the Yellow Brick Road
as we jumped,
and hummed,
and ran happily...
then, you realised all these dialogues in your head
as you were still on the big wet rock
soaked in the river.
well, at least you smiled
with a larger hope at this moment.

were you the narrator,
or the dragon, the Granny, and the sky the narrators?
well, did it all even matter?

actually, yes.
you're the narrator in your world.
they're the narrator in theirs.


you're not just a narrator or a main character in any worlds...
you're the director of your own story this time...
at least, that's what you started to believe.
you didn't just believe anymore,
you knew you were and therefore you were...

oh well, but you still needed a little more rest.
it's so cold, but you still couldn't move yet.
'it's okay to be lost happily,'
you continued telling yourself,
'I'm the one who's writing my own story!'

Other poems here.

'it's okay to be lost happily,'
you continued telling yourself,
'I'm the one who's writing my own story!'

with love,
૮ℓเσɳα Chee Pui Khei 徐𣳽琪,
creating mental health tech at,
gathering resources at public squad

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#poem#free fall#creative writing#journey#self-care promise