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new crypto wallet connected [resources] Resources & Steps to take if your crypto wallet associated to web 3 socials get hacked (/prevent)

In May, an old crypto wallet got breached... I'm grateful for getting help from several parties. While I notice that cybersecurity of Web 3 is different from Web 2, let me share what I've done with the ones who're curious or needing these things.

Steps to Take if Someone's Crypto Wallet Gets Hacked:

0. Take immediate actions.
- Breathe in and out evenly. Stay calm and delete, uninstall, &// stop everything that might be related (last used recently).

1. Report on Discord of Web 3 Communities (trustable ones like LearnWeb3 DAO, Metaschool, etc.)

- Inform relevant communities about the hack to spread awareness and possibly get support.

2. Dissociate Old Crypto Wallet from Other Web 3 Socials, including

- 🚫 If there's no dissociate button, email them and/or contact them on their Discord channels.

- From's Discord, Fred mentioned about this:

login with the wallet related (on device with no association with important things),

then add an email/password to one's account,

then disconnect one's wallet related.

- From the past personal experience, please also disconnect any ownership &// funding ways linked to the old crypto wallet.

- Use new wallet & also safe emails to be linked (check all selections in the settings).

3. Stop Everything Running in the Background

- 🛑 Close all non-essential applications and processes to prevent further compromise.

4. Use RKill&// the other defending systems to Stop Malware/Virus and Clear Malware/Virus

- 🛡 Protection: Run RKill to terminate suspicious processes and TRON to clean one's system. YOne may use the other reliable ones &// let one's trustable expert aid one in this.

5. Backup Computer Data - Uncorropted FIles &// Folders after Full Scans (This May Take a Long Time)

- 💾 Ensure all important data is safely backed up to an external drive or cloud storage.

6. Reset/Reformat the PC

- 🔄 A complete system reset &// reformat to eliminate any lingering malware, virus, etc.

7. Renew All Passwords and Sign Out of Old Accounts

- 🔐 Change passwords for all accounts, sign out of all sessions, and update verification methods (2FA, biometrics, etc. If the system already bypassed that previously which was what happened in the case study, please add &// see what's suitable as a safer option).

8. File a Report at a Local Police Station

- 🚓 Report the incident to local law enforcement for an official record.

9. File Reports with Cyber Security Experts

- 🔍 Contact cyber security experts &// platforms (in the past case here, we have Professor Dominique Calder, the lead scam catcher in Web 3, with over 10 years of experience in cybersecurity, we met her via buildspace & chatted on LinkedIn)

- If one has extra budget, one may hire ethical hackers to track them legally with the legal parties related. Or, let ethical hackers take a cut of what they've made out of those things done legally.

- After reporting the case, one's usually being referred to an agency &// organisation. The ability to assist one, and the extent of help provided, depends on the complexity of each individual case. In the case mentioned here, its purpose is to raise awareness &// get more attention on cases as such to put a stop in the future.

10. Spread the Message to Prevent Others from Being Affected

- 📢 Inform one's network and community to raise awareness and help others avoid the same fate.

11. Report Suspicious Social Media Accounts with Tested Links

- 🚩 Report any suspicious accounts or links to social media platforms to prevent further scams.

12. Use a Link Detector to Test Links Before Clicking Them

- 🕵‍♂️ Use tools like VirusTotal to check the safety of links before opening them.

- 🕵‍♂️ Sometimes, even these tools can't detect the links in the case we witnessed. So, do not click on suspicious links &// turn any defender systems off for something to get into the computer at all. Please think &// request for alternatives if they're for the sake of certain projects.

- 🕵‍♂️ For safe affiliated links, we could also check the main domain &// the account sharing hasn't been hacked (with weird abnormal posts) to understand what to trust.

13. Transition to a Cold Wallet for Added Security

- 🥶 Explore cold wallet (offline storage) to prevent online attacks.

14. Create a New Wallet and Dissociate from All Previous Accounts

- 💼 Set up a new crypto wallet and dissociate from any compromised accounts &// platforms.

15. Heal using mental health tech tools: exclude ourselves from the 'helpless victim' narrative

- Share the awareness, resources while we still have trust in humanity. Bounce back like a ball with the loving community as we observe who are helpful along the way. Still being passionate with therapy sessions &// mental health tech tools to heal fast and eliminate any anxiety, stress, &// mental burdens with lots of love. In my personal case, as you see from my profile, my team created free mental health metaverse spaces along with the other tools for the public at the moment. So, I used these tools to heal and get back on track as well. Feel free to explore the other resources, songs, &// activities to be calm, happy, and fun again to resolve things efficiently and stay alive with love.

Note: Yes, & warpcast of mine are with new wallet as they allow me to dissociate from the old ones. However, if one has any of these with old wallets, feel free to explore ways & share 'bout how we tackle the temporary problems. Cheers with love.

'let the lights of love
shine through
each and every dark corner'

with love,
૮ℓเσɳα Chee Pui Khei 徐𣳽琪,
creating mental health tech at,
g️️athering resources at public squad


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