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【back stories of poems, TTPD 1st impression】 #StressAwarenessMonth2024 and #AutismAcceptanceMonth2024

lovely moments, emotions, reasons, feelings, back stories of the poems created, other side projects for advocacy happening in April, FAQ from Insta Story about being a biomedical engineer and more.

Happy Stress Awareness Month, Happy Autism Acceptance Month and the Poetry Month in 2024!

autism awareness ribbon

hey, lovely readers!

here's a blog with the back stories of a series of poems of the moments jotted down by a biomedical engineer who's creating mental health technology along the way for all of you!

Each and every Free Fall poem could be viewed as a single piece on its own but the whole series is telling a whole story when you read them all at once.

You may enjoy them in any ways you love and recite them anywhere else too and I'd appreciate it if there's a way of citing me with love. As long as it's for the usage with undistorted love for a humanistic mission.

Tag me, maybe? If you really found any parts fascinating that you share it somewhere.

Well, in April,
we have a lot going on for sure!

Poems drop

dropping poem 01 as the first one out of the many poems in this Free Fall series on another blog that's on 28th of April (UTC+) 2024. Yes, exactly one week from now. See you in between the lines there, maybe?

Looking for a loving & chilling community w/ resources?

Community's broadcast channel on Instagram that's newly created for some interactions and convenient sharing of resources here named love, heal, chill, experience & explore life w/ a biomedical engineer a.k.a. the loving creator for now.

All-month-long this April, we have:

Stress Awareness Month 2024: #LittleByLittle - April

  • Stress Awareness Month, reminding us to take things bit by bit as humans. So many resources including reducing stress in 7 days, other campaigns to share stories spreading love and the other ways as usual including the big and bold #ACTNOW (Action-Changes-Things).

  • Stress Awareness Month 2024 has the theme of '#LittleByLittle' focuses on the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on overall well-being. The resources could be accessed at National Stress Awareness Month | Office of Human Resources ( The theme's explanation could be viewed on Stress Management Society's site. This series of poem also involves the feelings of a person getting through stages of healing without noticing the stress being put on herself being a workaholic herself. Everything happening #littlebylittle.

Autism Acceptance Month 2024: 'Celebrate Differences.' - April

  • We also have Austism Acceptance Month along with many autism related campaigns going on to embrace what's different as equals. I'll talk more about my journey of creating biomedical engineering projects for them below.

  • We'll talk more about creating tech for the autistic ones down below.

Poetry Month 2024 - April
[Theme 1] lines from 'blessing the boats' by Lucille Clifton and illustration of child by Jack Wong. [Theme 2] ’Weather.'

  • National Poetry Month in the States and Canada. It's insanely cool that I get to release my poetries about all that I care this year! I love those poetries in English, Mandarin and Malay. And, here, I'll do them in English version as the collective within me had been collecting the details since ages.

  • The way we see the themes with us being who we truly are as the fun and playful child again as illustrated in the poster drew me back to the bolder, bigger and magical dreams when I was younger. Also, the 'weather' of us having different ups and downs also made me imagine my 'ups' as the journey and creations I love.

  • In my writing, I have my 'downs' in the teaser below.
    They're all so fun and emotional to be explored, embraced and expressed with love.
    Well, we would eventually be healed when we trust ourselves to be who we truly are, and be surrounded by our favourite little things along with the loveliest people who see the value in us, right?

On specific days in April,
we have all that's going on as listed below
(time zones vary):

World Health Day 2024: 'My health, my right’ - 7th of April

  • World Health Day on the 7th of April with the theme 'My Health, My Right' this year. In our previous writings on Optimism chain, we discussed the basic rights of health not as a privilege but as an equal right and opportunity for all. So, let's explore the 'how's by understanding and expanding choices of anyone from a limited range to more resources, assistance, and effective solutions that can address the root causes of the problems. These healthcare issues may also bring to light other direct or indirect factors that need resolution within socio-economic conditions.

Hari Raya Aidilfitri - 10th of April

  • The festival of breaking of fast, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, also known as Eid al-Fitr. We have bazaars, a whole lot of the best food and all the greenish festive decorations in Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei. Well, I personally love the tradition of seeking forgiveness while forgiving each other with love and gratitude in family reunions as shown by my Muslim friends around. Much love and blessings.

World Music Therapy Week - 10th of April to 15th of April, 27th of April 2024

  • The World Federation for Music Therapy in celebration of the very first World Music Therapy Week - April 10-15, 2023. #WorldMusicTherapyWeek celebrating the new, creative ways of healing mentally and expressing thoughts.

  • Life Tunes Music Therapy also host an event on 27th of April with the theme of Unlocking Potential: Music Therapy for Autism online by Ivy Tan, MT-BC, NMT, CAS. Also, with other events going on in Malaysia by Malaysian Music Therapy Association (MMTA).

The Love of Giving Gifts (personal)
Ling Ee Seong's package of Eras Tour gifts arrived. - 17th of April

  • This is weird to appear among all these, but let's do this our way, okay? The act of kindness, love and care is just making me feel happy. And, there's nothing in return being asked for but just to make sure everything's well for me. Well, of course, everything is well for me when you exist in my life.

  • Didn't expect it at all because the package is huge and the things like shimmery VIP ticket and all makes me remember how I've always believe in magic and the impossible dreams in mind. I didn't, or I shall say, I haven't gotten to Taylor Swift's physical concert being a huge Swiftie since ages and the #ErasTour is such a big deal this time. The amazing things in this world could really warm our hearts and just brighten up the days, nights, midnights and beyond, I suppose. Thanks again, with lots of love for evermore.

Taylor Swift: The Tortured Poets Department - 19th of April

  • Taylor Swift's new album of 'The Tortured Poets Department' with expressions told by music that we already saw so many broken hearted words in the song names and other details as hints (finally released on the 19th).

    Listen now if you haven't? With videos?

  • The music video of Fortnight by Taylor Swift and Post Malone gives me flashback of Blank Space, Bad Blood and many other silly little feelings. When she's in the room with the vibe of a mix between the asylum and the laboratory in sci-fi, with the 'I touch you' playing while the eyes roll just give that feeling of Harley Quinn having a PhD yet making the stupidest decisions throughout her younger love life and used to fall in love with someone she's supposed to heal, a.k.a. the Joker. Just feel so great that they're eventually not together, because she's meant to be a Queen with a King instead of a Joker, maybe? Well, lucky for her to get out of it stronger. Also, it's giving a little vibe of Sweet but Psycho by Ava Max as the way they're a cutie yet just hold the energy to burn the whole place down is so strong. For readers, Little Fire Everywhere by Celeste Ng and Dogra Magra by Yumeno Kyusaku would give the kind of vibe too. Actually, for all of these characters we see in any forms of expression, they'll then rise up and evolve into the more insane and powerful versions of themselves. Well, I guess that started to understand more about myself of being overdramatic and true with these masterpieces that send information to me? Well, but my senses would surely accept and process them in the most suitable ways too, right?

  • Most of 'em sound so torturous when I'm in a rather uplifting mood after a long time.
    Yet, I could still appreciate and feel the emotions, thanking my past selves going through ups and downs like any other ordinary humans would.
    By the way, which song's resonating with you the most?

Earth Day: 'Planet vs Plastics'- 22nd of April

  • Earth Day with the theme of 'Planet vs Plastics' this year on 22nd to remind us of sustainability and oh, I love their 22-minute-series with the in-depth conversations about it all including the real system changes and the resources needed for further practical actions. I haven't even mentioned something that I should've discovered earlier. The related events are all searchable all around the globe! And, you could plan any too, if you'd like!

  • It isn't about just avoiding plastics while it's encouraged to be as so. It's also about how we make use of the plastics that have been used since we could still see that humans are using them. The ways we dispose them, the ways we use them to create new expression of arts or upcycle into something that's usable or durable and more. Also, using advanced technology or the other more sustainable plastics such as but not limited to the biodegradable plastics.

  • Another little silly moment here. We didn't blog about Earth Hour this year, which took place last Saturday in March but I still remember the moments when I just turn off all the lights for my family when I was a school kid and they'd listen to my ridiculous made-up tales while eating ice cream because I turn off the fans too, but not the refrigerator (yet) as I do hope for energy powered by the renewable sources to be generalised around the world. So, here's a reminder of the ongoing environmental changes and ways you can contribute with love.

World Book Day: - 23rd of April

  • World Book Day on 23rd bringing in the power of wisdom for all, and all the amazing things happening around us to change the way that around half of the people didn't really like reading when reading could let the imagination run wild and stimulate the brain in creative ways. We will talk more about this soon as we're having certain plans ongoing for it this year.

  • This is a generation of knowing 'what question to ask' and the ways we perceive information needs a balance of our brain connecting unrelated things with more curiosity and love. Dropped something while I got to meet high school teachers recently.

  • I'm so touched to see more books related to Science and Technology in the same library. I used to love the 'Horrible Science' series, 'Judy Moody' series, and more right there. The book with fairy tales or really interesting ways of introducing things would really help us spark creativity. While we'd talk about creativity on another day, people always think that it comes naturally but it actually only does if we don't block it and continue stimulating the brain, right?

Science and Tech Fair at SMK Puchong Utama (1) - 30th of April

  • For the ones wondering where is it, it's my high school in Malaysia. We actually have these events annually but I know, there's no information to be found online yet. Throughout the years, I thought the arts, the projects that we had also deserve a little spotlight so I'm in a discussion with my previous teachers to store some of the information for our future lovely juniors safely because they're so precious. Young and loving creators in the making, maybe?

Malaysia Philosophy Society's events and participation

other meaningful days in April crafted by Reader's Digest.

So, after much contemplation, I'll share my stories in my unique and creative ways being myself to celebrate it all! Celebrating and understanding each and every amazing flaw, scar and moment that made me who I am evolving into.

Why poems? poetries? whatever free verse?

poetries could tell great stories,
express our emotions,
and be the form of arts that just exist beautifully among us.

the ones who've been here probably knew that
I used to create NFTs with arts, then 3D arts, then vKOL, then a whole lot of the other things.
ya, I was a bit afraid to admit it back then 'cause it seems as if there are all these things I do that just change so fast as time passes by. But, well, I realise that my visions, my missions and goals have never changed after all. Also, human is supposed to be consistently growing, right? That's why most tech start-ups also have so many reports updated for each season? Or, our new things listed to be explored? By the way, speaking from my biomed perspective again, it's great to stimulate the brain as well, for most of us?

back to the poems!
they're like holding emotions
that would be a mix of
the expressed and unexpressed
with such shortened yet heavy words.

this spring,
I'll evolve into a healing poet to enjoy such wonderful expressions.
or, the biomedical engineer of the tortured poets department

♬ TTPD 1st impression

♫ ♪ ♬ Now playing: Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - TTPD, T.S.

'who's afraid of the lil' old me?'
'you should be.'
this line is like, wow, okay, wow.

like, exactly, people think that they know us from a fraction of something.
but for the things we store deeply in the heart with love,
only we know, along with the people we love.

the more explicit words (you know what) are really leaving me in shock too.
but I just love 'em as usual.
while I just look at these poems I wrote when being broken & editing them for my style.

TLDR for the below:

My journey is challenging and I'll show you how I made it through when I lead, create or simply play with the biomedical engineering projects. Embracing all the ups and downs while being anti-fragile with love.

   Now playing: loml - TTPD, T.S.

the Free Fall poet's source of inspiration:

【relation between the poet and autism biomedical devices】

The poet had been a leader in creating biomedical devices for autistic children such as but not limited to Dr Strange, ReleaseStress4 and the other ones that didn't make it or weren't as significant in the past few years. The poet's grateful for Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and the other collaborators, parents and therapists related being interviewed and involved along the way. There were these moments where the poet and her teammates really took note of and tried to assist them in many ways. But, she had to admit that she failed many times before she made anything happen at all. Not once. Not twice. But, just out of count. And, she knew that these things are only tiny little changes that weren't enough to ease the pain in the the people, so she'll try more ways of helping them. And, she'll gather the ones who truly care to be on this journey with her. Those projects were only the starting point to something greater in the future for all the loving kind souls and the broken souls who would be healed eventually.

【the poet being a practical dreamer leading and creating biomedical engineering projects focusing on mental health with love】

The poet also expressed the love and persistence in making the biomedical engineering projects come alive with all the challenges ahead when creating these amazing creations in the past. She's actually passionate about biomedical engineering involving mental health, brain and healthcare. Along the way, she realised that certain technologies meant for autistic individuals, who deserve equal care, often face issues such as but not limited to unaffordability, inefficiency, or lack of development in an aligning speed with the world's technological advancements in the present moment when we're having all the other 'tech booms' that could aid us in many ways.

With the most suitable tools at the most suitable timing, we could balance the usage, bit by bit, and celebrate the differences together, hopefully, eventually. The poet also went through ups and downs of joining hackathons, competitions and all kinds of the other events or training programmes that she lost count of when her life was also having ups and downs that she could have handled in more suitable ways, she thought.

The truth is that all the humans would have feelings, unique thoughts and the other uncontrollable factors happening in nature that could aid them or break them as the human species seem to be fragile. We might talk about the beauty of nature and golden ratio in another blog or podcast. The ones who told her that they'd be at where she's at made her think that they do not have to be like her when they could be themselves. It's weird when she tried to be anyone else but she got told that there are people everywhere who'd like to be like her, right? After all, she did all these so that nobody had to be going through the same pain she experienced in the past.

Taking anything as inspiration, references or fun?
Imitating her to be exactly like her just for the imitation of losing your real self?

Please, just, please be you.
Be the true selves from within.
Be who you truly are.

Recently, she got these messages where there are a few of these people who would like to master the skills she have, solve the problems she solved and taken up projects that she made possible, but she actually, also hides her desire for a balanced life with more possibilities of having genuine fun, love and all the other things that she hasn't known yet in the vast universe. Also, she also had a whole lot of broken moments that LinkedIn doesn't have a column for. So, be you.

So, while we could be inspired by the others, she would say that she deeply hopes that everyone would be one's true self instead of shape shifting into something they knew they're not, just like what she did at certain stages of her life in the past. Humans. We, could grow out of the pain together. And, we could be multi-faceted for sure, but just ensure that we are being ourselves so that the source of happiness, expectations and love also comes from ourselves to put the others as equals along the way. For being polymath or multi-faceted, she received voices from both sides of those who love and question the possibilities too, so we'll blog about it in another one.

【what does it take to get all the projects out, for real?】

The poet experienced phases when she first started out dreaming about creating things in the field without seeing any challenges to be big problems at all. However, she went through phases where she had to face these things that puzzled her. For example, certain projects had to be dissembled or destroyed due to multiple reasons or uncontrollable circumstances by nature or time that she would express in her writings, arts and technologies because the stories are too long to be told in just a series of poems. While she's grateful for all the loving people and things in her life, she has to admit that some things and people that are not as favourable do exist and most of them also need healing themselves. Send them a free resource from / , maybe?

♫ ♪ ♬ Now playing: The Alchemy - TTPD, T.S. 

'Touch down' 
'Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team' 

'Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby...' 

'...Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?'

//upbeat music w/ broken lyrics feel so weird and fun, huh?

The poet's extremely happy to meet or reconnect with the important people in life, so that she had the courage to stand against what used to hurt her the most and what had been against the humanistic missions in the past. She does not hold grudge onto anyone as she knows that many people grow fear or desire for a certain fading thing when they only see the dissimilarities as growing threats.

So, for now, she knows that she has to start voicing out for the loving people who would understand the lovely ways. Her lovely ways. While doing that, she'd embrace the bold, passionate and weird ones who don't seem to harm anyone. The one who loves to explore space. The ones who're like gemstones in our society. The ones who might be by her side when she's fighting or healing monsters. The ones who become collaborators who truly hope to heal more people with love together.

Nobody's perfect at all times and she feels like when she saw through different versions of her past selves, she had been putting up a shield in the society. On the professional side, the others might perceive her as an engineer to who's so rational, tough and serious most times. On the personal side, those around see her being such an emotional and introverted person stuck in her own corner. There are no problems in both if balanced well. But, there's a huge problem if she never got to see who she actually would admit as herselves. Like, her true self.

Both sides, or all sides of her just lost the balance from within as she got lost in the things she got so obsessed about. She forgot to live and have fun like she used to. She always love to. All the things that she's ever done is supposed to have fun instead of causing a whole lot of disasters in life. She tested out so many types of therapies herself to heal from time to time, then getting her heart crushed within the soul again. Also, getting the brain tangled up with a bunch of boring restrictions in an unbalanced system with all forms of distortions.

She forgot about magic. She forgot about the reasons and emotions co-existing together naturally when she was starting all that matters along with all that she knew wouldn't matter from the very beginning of everything with love.

While she's all of everything she could ever dream of, she's also an incomplete, chaotic and imperfect being. There's only one way for us to feel and find out ourself. So, she would reveal some of the tiny little moments to let all of us know that however great the pain was, it too shall fade.

And, it's okay not to be okay sometimes. The poet's passion in the biomedical engineering industry for mental health, healthcare and amplified expriences from within would continue to roar with the ones who see faith in her, her team and her loving ones.

For each of us with undistorted love,
for the evolving and unexplored world,
for our growing civilisation and beyond.

She's currently still a growing individual creating a start-up with mental health tech and technologies to amplify experiences, exploration and love from within a person. So, if there happens to be anyone with similar visions or anyone new to the industry who felt totally odd, please understand that all the pain shall fade as we rise and evolve with lots of love, as always.


While each unique person deserves celebration and the nurture of undistorted love, the series of poem would also show the true feelings of a person who felt herself shape shifting at places she never belonged in the past somehow.

The journey of becoming a human is a mix of everything.
Being down on Earth with all these heavy organs have to mean something.
All these times, the heaviest heart doesn't just pump 24/7 in us for nothing at all, right?

And yes, please note that my writings are somehow inspired by the songs I listened to, the stories I've seen or heard before as well as all the things that I've experienced as a being.

so, now, let's dive into the world
of that tortured poet
that we've been talking about...

we would be healed after being the tortured poets...




there's something falling...

it's not something, but it's someone...

'the moments that I long for a free fall'',
free falling...

'my sky raining sharp glass shards with nowhere to escape',
free falling...

'all the storms and apocalypses I've been through to find the stolen rocks',
free falling...

that is not me anymore...
that was you...

dropping 01 [you are still magical in the free fall] on 28th of April 2024.
get on the IG broadcast channel to be reminded?
other forms of releasing 'em with more variety or features would be announced after confirmation.

Free Fall

(Cliona Chee Pui Khei's Version)

a series of poems in free verse style telling a story of a biomedical engineer
creating mental health technology along the journey with love
in #StressAwarenessMonth2024 and #AutismAcceptanceMonth2024.

we would be healed after being the tortured poets

all Free Fall poems
are to be released
in Spring 2024

so, you've made it until the end?
that's insane, thank you with lots of love!
but, who's the poet anyway?

Just in case this is the first time you read anything from me, you can call me Chee, or, Cliona!
I included this in the same passage so that you could see any parts of my journey above to really think it through, in your own ways? Asking your brain, your guts, and your heart?

So many people asked about salary.
But, I must say,

material is extremely important just as the way it's extemely unimportant.
your senses would know when, how and what are all these for anyway.

Just a philosophical thought that we could have. Or, I wish I had?

So, back to a more practical answer. Let's be balanced with our other reasons and emotions to do something. I'll tell you about what I know for now anyway.

So, now, we know it's probably insanely challenging, but how do we get through it together?
Feelings along the journey could be summed up as this song in TTPD.

♫ ♪ ♬ Now playing: I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - TTPD, T.S. 

'They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it till you make it" and I did'
'...I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art'
'You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart'

//upbeat music w/ broken lyrics feel so weird and fun, huh?

personal thought that might not apply to everyone but might be helpful for someone at a certain stage in life & I might also change as I grow with love too!

FAQ for a biomedical engineer
after graduating for more than half-a-year:
(honest replies only, as always)

arrangement is based on your priority
(more people ask similar question, the higher)
I slightly edited / combined most questions for the things to be answered within my abilities as well.

is the salary high after graduating?

Erm... I get asked about this a lot, but it's not my main priority, really. And, I would suggest anyone taking up such a course, a role or anything related to the field to not make it as a main priority.

To directly answer the question, you could surely choose the ones that come with high salary from what I know, but it depends on the skills you mastered, the tools you're familiar with, the ways you're willing to explore new tools along the way and so much more. Oh, and you might want to look at the other benefits, as well as the terms and conditions that you agree to when you sign any contracts or related documents as an intern, trainee of fresh grad engineer.

You could check here if you're a Malaysian, check here if you're in the States, and check here if you're planning to go anywhere else on Earth. While the statistics might be changing from time to time, you could get things down as reference in the past. Maybe focusing on what clubs you love joining, what projects you love creating, what topics you love talking about could let you have a clearer picture on what suit someone the best.

And, it also depends on where and how would you like to develop your career. It comes down to what you like as well. For on-site, it is usually requiring more fixing the clinical devices with PPM in the hospitals to go many places from what I observed. Also, R&D, sales that require technical skills, and more. Or, switching to something related yet totally needing you to master new skills, for example, for me, extended reality integration, game engines, brain-computer interface in more practical ways and a whole lot of the other tools that we'll talk about on another day.

Or, if you're not creating your own start-up, or company, or whatever they call, you're getting into MNC, or another dream places, for example, my friends who got into semi-conductor companies, or the ones related into the other engineering fields (you could search for these people on LinkedIn and see their stories too). They also have to master different skills there and the salary is also around what's shown in the statistics. Some might seem different yet we develop most skills when we started laboratory and project planning involving system design at university back then.

But, we just get things through as long as these are the things that we love doing most times. There are also many for remote, hybrid, or physcial ones whether it's in the same or different city. For fast-paced technology start-ups that could even offer you shares (for long-term benefits, power or the loving influence), you may check here because most of these start-ups who've gone through YC got funded with millions.

Okay, I might have to highlight that by 'fast-paced', I mean that they're probably at the stage of 'accelerating and going all in to become the unicorn', so there's most probably no spoon-feeding and you're extremely spontaneous at anything at all but you could still sleep, most probably. But, hey, you get to be the OG in the team, for those who long for something as such.

Oh, and start-ups are risky too. Ya, because I'm building one, so... I'd be honest that it's just insanely challenging but totally worth it and way happier. Or, the ones who consider having a start-up, social enterprise or company of any forms of your own, we'll talk about it on another day too.

do you get high-paying jobs fast? 

The difference between this and above is the 'speed' of getting.

or, a more suitable question would be:

'how do I just master the skills and show them in the most suitable ways?'

Yes, but it depends. Depends on your skills, your ability to show what you know, share what you solve and a whole lot right there.

I mean, for example, I'm just saying, if someone could show a person in power something the person or the team would typically take 1 day to solve could be done in 1 hour. Obviously, for me personally, I would see if visions align and immediately consider this person, right?

While I might be different from your usual corporate HR who's going through the resumes and CVs one by one, but from a person who got through that process during my industrial training, I would say that most things on the papers are just like the fundamentals of everything. Just show the skills and anything at all that's related to the problems that could be solved.

It all goes down to how we picture ourself being able to tackle with all these problems that come to us all at once, really. Or, we can't, and we admit that we can't but we know how to 'bounce-back' or be the people that the person in power see us as someone they'd love to have even when everyone's going through the worst times. For this, I think you could simply search for tech layoffs and understand that getting in is just easy. But, staying is like, an extremely challenging process. Doesn't matter which path you choose, growth mindset matters a lot.

The cases where conscious #choices that align with the unconscious mind would matter a lot too. Maybe? I'll suggest these books here that clarify all the details.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck.

Definitely worth a read to understand that growth mindset if you haven't already.

If you don't have time for it or you're not a reading type of person, she also talked about it and the ways of embracing and getting excited about challenges ahead.

Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb would also be a great read during the times of confusion because in whatever situations, you would picture yourself bouncing back as a ball instead of breaking

like glasses. Okay, even if you're like glasses, you could be melted and reshaped like how Ember did to the glass in Elemental. The point is that if someone break, mental health technology could help us. And, we have to also help ourselves along with the deep trust in nature.

The mentality of bouncing back isn't supposed to be forceful. All the adversities in life and the crashing of software that someone might encounter like I did, would appear to be just like the breeze. At least that's how I picture things in my mind. Not a reader? Hhmmm... For the ones who prefer the talks, he did it too, with certain details.

Yes, in case you're wondering, he's also the one who wrote the famous The Black Swan that told us about these insane unpredictable moments happening in the century. Sometimes, we might be the problems and we could resolve them. But, most times, it's about the preparation before all the things just happen. I might actually talk about Tipping Point with similar yet quite different case studies in another blog on this.

If someone only got into biomedical engineering or any courses for a high paying job, I might suggest you to review your career choices to understand what your heart truly desire. Or else, you might end up on the mistaken path that's not quite suitable for you, to be honest. But, if you know it's for you, then just go for it. All the pain shall pass. All the joy would be great memories. The moment you see your projects coming to life is just insanely happy, although those are just the starting points to more challenges yet to come.

I still remember chatting with someone who's picking many courses as the choices, waiting to be informed. While there is no right or wrong in that, I would say that taking time to ask the subconscious mind what do who picture ourselves becoming while we're truly being happy being that version of ourselves might be helpful. If not, there are certain work persona quizzes online. I wouldn't suggest the ones who directly show 'which career choice', but prefer the ones that show you 'what traits are the most valuable to you' so that we could compare these things to the course menu or other skills required in the course.

what are you doing now?

Having fun.

Ya, while that's true, I'm having a role in the society. (lol!)

I'm a biomedical engineer creating mental health technology. Poems? Ya! Because I love exploring new creative ways to express myself and also what's within us, so I'll blog or create anything that make these insane dreams possible in my ways.

Currently creating a start-up related to what I mentioned named Top Love Tech with interactive extended reality, brain-computer interface, community metaverse projects for amplified loving experiences and other related things in collaboration. Relaxing room and energy raising rooms are available to the public at too, best to be gone through via the Quest series, but works well on web browser and applications as well. The other technologies could be assess via appointments and collaborations after discussions. I'm down to the meaningful charities, events and all too! Just contact us for any related collaborations, maybe? Anything therapy-related, ping me, maybe?

If you're asking for more specific details of what I do, please head over to my LinkedIn profile, maybe? Thanks, to the new followers growing. I didn't the following count to grow while I rest for a while. I'm balancing things in my ways like breathing in and out consistently, no worries on that. Instead of focusing on the previous topics of blockchain, extended reality and artificial intelligence in the past, we'd be doing something more unique as a comeback. Of course, concluding what's in the past first. It's time we integrate them for something, right? Ha, probably hope that I'd take time and let things grow naturally this time. More updates soon. Okay?

so, biomedical engineering isn't for mental health in general, right?

Biomedical engineering has so many branches and I've understood the basics of them during my times in university. However, my passion has always been the parts related to brain-computer interface (BCI), the creation involving 3D printing (basic use of CAD, bio-fabrication, slicing, etc.), the creative ways (extended reality, deep learning systems, other risky yet exciting technology to be taken care of with risk management while exploring, etc.) and also a long list of the other fun laboratories. This was the one that I took at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for the ones interested. You could always check the course menu and search the subjects up to see if they would make a great fit for you or anyone you're helping. For the solutions that we're solving though, we could actually either choose or lean towards the paths that we love or we feel curious about along the way. It could be seen from your hobbies, the clubs and societies that you're interested in and the whole lot more happening in the world that we relate to the field. We could talk a lot more about the possibilities of biomedical engineering another day, since we only conclude certain parts here.

all the engineering things you had were about systems but your poems mention 'broken system'?

Okay, I added this question on my own to clarify something with love.

While I do love these systems while I'm trying to balance life with all that's outside of systems because if you've read my poems, please feel free to rethink about what 'systems' do to us. The games with instructions, cool! Helping us to see things in such an organised and cool way, guiding us through! But, game rules that restrict our plans or make us feel uncomfortable? You know it's time you ditch games like that because it's just not fun, right? There has to be a game that is well organised and fun at the same time, so well balanced that we don't even think it through because we got so immersed into the world doing what we love? That's the kind of feeling I personally hope to get, hopefully.

thanks, again!

thanks to any readers who made it until the end right here, you're the real G.O.A.T.!
thanks to the new lovely subscribers with lots of love!
share to someone you think might be interested if you feel like so, maybe?

as I love chatting with people.
an aligning collab,
a heartfelt random thought,
or something you feel like you have a different opinion about,
I'd love to know about it all!

There may be changes from time to time after I post them so always #dyor as well. Please feel free to tell me your thoughts if you have something related to say. if you can't message me somehow, feel free to comment, maybe? I'll try my best to answer any questions that are within my abilities to help, as always, with lots of love, hope and joy.

♫ ♪ ♬ Now playing: Down Bad - TTPD, T.S. 

'Did you really beam me up'
'In a cloud of sparkling dust'
'Just to do experiments on?'
'Tell me I was the chosen one'
'Showed me that this world is bigger than us'
'Then sent me back where I came from'

//upbeat music w/ broken lyrics feel so weird and fun, huh?

I knew 


'now I'm ๔๏ฬภ ๒ค๔, 
c̴͓̗͕̲̼̲͕̣̏̉̎͆ŗ̷̩̗̯̞̐͜ÿ̷̼͙̊̎̊̏ĩ̷̳̘͗̿̍̈ń̵̺̙̟̗͎͋̈́̃̄͠͝͝ ' at the ↤↤↤ ↦↦↦
.·:*¨e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶¨*:·. comes out 🅃3🄴🄽🄰♊︎🄴 ≋petulance≋
"→ıllı✕ıllı☬?ıllı✕ıllı← it if I can't have ຊคຖ໓໐r"
"I might just ☠ 💀 🕯️, it would make 𒆜 ɘɔᴎɘɿɘᎸᎸib oᴎ 𒆜"


D͓̽o͓̽w͓̽n͓̽ ͓̽b͓̽a͓̽d͓̽, 
wakin' up in вˡᗝό𝐝
Starin' at the ⓢᛕ𝓎, 'i'll ງ໐ t໐ ฯ໐น' and (• ʍoʍ •)?
→ıllı✕ıllı☬?ıllı✕ıllı← it if I can't have us♊︎
I might just 🄽🄾🅃 G🄴🅃 🅄🄿, 🄸 🄼🄸♊︎🄷🅃 🅂🅃🄰🅈'

匚ㄖ爪乇 乃卂匚Ҝ
⸮ɘdʏɒm ,ɿɘʜƚo ʜɔɒɘ oƚ oǫ

just to enjoy expressing while having fun, maybe?

'I love it when the most important parts and the loveliest people have always been here
and would last for evermore.'

with love,
Chee Pui Khei,
creating (mental health tech),
g️️athering resources at (public squad).

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#poem#story#diary#journey#emotional#soul#choices#conversation#evolve#philosophical#philosophy#exploration#social change#collective growth#relaxing#creative writing#expression#form of art#stress awareness month#littlebylittle#celebratedifferences##autism acceptance month#series#free verse#cosmic#ttpd#swiftie#checklist#evermore#all too well#fortnight#down bad#who's afraid of little old me#giving me galaxy