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Happy Chompiversary!

Celebrating the first month of Chomp, and looking to the future...

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter!

Today marks the one-month anniversary of our beloved guinea pig's journey, rocketing to BOMOB status in record time! Armed with world-class original art and bolstered by the most vibrant community on Base, we proudly embrace our identity as Chomp.

Join us as we celebrate our unique spirit and the milestones that make us who we are. Let's dive in and explore the essence of Chomp! 🎉🐹

How we Chompin’ ? 

Dashboard Metrics:

  • Twitter Followers: 2700+

  • Twitter Impressions: 380,000+

  • Telegram Members: 2300+

  • Holders: 5800+

  • Liquidity Lock: $1M+

  • Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV): $4M+


  • 14 Whales holding over 1% of supply

  • 37 Whales from other Base Memes

  • 6.66% Supply Burnt


  • Reached $15 million All Time High

  • Notable reactions from CrypticPoet and Jesse Pollak on Twitter

  • 17 Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) have organically supported us publicly

  • Over 40 Raiders have created their own Super Group

Onchain Activity:

Community Creations:

Successful Strategies:

  • Utilization of Reply Guy strategies to expand reach beyond the telegram

  • Organic Raid team supporting tweets with witty replies

  • Custom Chomp PFP Campaign to strengthen public support

    Base Onchain Summer

    This week, get ready for Onchain Summer submissions—they're on the horizon! Brace yourselves for the unveiling of the Chomp plans! Teaming up with Base, Chomp is crafting something special: a one-of-a-kind fusion of community, NFT art, CHOMP utility, and growth wizardry. Get set for an unforgettable Onchain Summer. Get set for the Summer of Chomp! 🌞🚀

Looking ahead, CHOMP's all about leveling up! We're pumped to keep growing our community through dope engagements, onchain activities, and sneaky cool releases.

Alright, CHOMPERS, listen up: there's some serious intrigue unfolding in the shadows. We're on the brink of something revolutionary, but hey, can't spill all the beans just yet. It's a delicate dance of timing and vibes, you feel me? So, if the cosmos align just right, brace yourselves for something extraordinary. Stay curious, stay tuned, and let's dive into this mysterious adventure together. 🕵‍♂️🔮

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