Share the upside building and growing CoCreated

At the core of my life is the intention to live each day well. And part of that (a big part) is going where my energy is, being in flow states, doing what gives me joy. And that is creating, being with others, making things happen.

I can do coms, I can do growths, I can do dev, but at my heart I am an artist, I respond to the world. I create experiences for people that start from my truth, and what I'm trying to say and do in the world.

I have a startup, CoCreated, is it a startup, is it a practice? I don't know, but I keep creating and making, shipping new products (artworks) every month. Every product has a load of potential that I don't put the energy into replicating and scaling, because that isn't the thing that gets me fired up. But I know there are people out there who thrive on growing good stuff and helping it find its market an customers, and people who are fired up by building a solid tech infrastructure, and other artists who will create fire collaborative experiences.

There is so much repeatable value in the CoCreated artworks that could be realised. And there is network of people who have the skills and connections to release that value. So let's put it together, do what web3 does amazingly and share in the upside. Which is why I'm creating this CoOwnCaster experiment with @lior and an emerging community made up of some awesome people.

I want to share the upside with people who want to build and grow CoCreated with me.

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