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Building in Public also means Failing in Public

Welcome back to "coffee with curtis" where I document my successes... and failures, in being a first time entrepreneur, and building a coffee brand!

I messed up...

I'm happy I messed up...

Lately I've been focusing on small experiments. Trying out small ideas, learning, and applying those lessons.

My latest experiment was an open edition called the "Vrbs Coffee Beta." Minters would be able to redeem a bag of coffee and unlock lifetime discounts on future Vrbs Coffee products.

Of course I would have preferred things to go perfectly, but if it had to fail, I'm glad it failed during a beta-version. I mean, I called it beta for a reason, right? There were bugs to find.

As it turned out, my token-gated redemption was not compatible with the open edition I released, oops! So now I'm here, writing this essay.

Failing is to entrepreneurship as breathing is to living. Small consistent experiments allow me to fail small and learn big. My mistake with the Vrbs Coffee Beta is completely recoverable (airdrop a compatible token to the minters), but it highlights the spirit of the entrepreneurship process. In order to reap its rewards, you must be willing to take risk and fail publicly.

"Embrace accountability, and take business risks under your own name. Society will reward you with responsibility, equity, and leverage."

Naval Ravikant

So here's to more experiments, and more failures!

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