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A New Milestone on My Coffee Journey

Exciting News!

A small but very meaningful milestone for me: My PFP will be featured on a coffee bag! When I first started this journey I only dreamed of one day having my own coffee brand. The day came much sooner than I expected!

We've completely redesigned our coffee labels, and I'm lucky to be featured (or at least have my PFP featured) on one of the designs! Check it out and let me know what you think!

p.s. Collect this article and you'll get 20% off the Mexico Catimor Coffee featured below!

Scale: Required to Succeed

"The Coffee Experiment" is a grassroots effort to successfully launch a product and build a coffee business in public. I increasingly want to involve the community in this process. Already I've given away ten y00ts Coffee Bars for free, and offered a 20% discount on our Smile Club Ethiopian Coffee.

We can do even more together...

  1. Referral Bonus: Paragraph has a built in process to reward newsletter referrals. Want to help me scale and pad your wallet at the same time? All you have to do is modify the following link by adding your wallet address where prompted. Anytime someone subscribes or collects via your link, you get a bonus:

  2. Guest Writers: To provide new perspectives and value, I will be having guest writers featured in this newsletter. To incentivize incredible authors, I'll send the bonus from article collections directly to the contributor's wallet. (If you believe you have value or insight to contribute, please shoot me a message!)

  3. Discounts/Special Offers/Utility: I will continue to offer discounts and special offers to collectors of The Coffee Experiment. I'm also looking for opportunities to collaborate with other communities on "Utility."

y00ts Coffee Bar Update

I've been itching to share mockups with you, but unfortunately I am still waiting on the manufacturer and our partners after a few production delays. Once I have these mockups in hand, that's when the starting gun is fired and I'll be working on marketing efforts 24/7.

I won't promise a specific launch date, because there are things outside my control, but I'm so excited to show you this product! I'm extremely proud of what we've built so far, and this is just the beginning.

Thanks for reading!

Please help me scale and reach more coffee lovers out there!

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