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Amplification of Shared Values

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Blockchain Technology has allowed for the greatest alignment of incentives between brand and consumer that this World has ever seen...

"Aligned Incentives"

Intro to the NFT Staircase

I started The Coffee Experiment because I believe that people that take advantage of Web3 benefits early will change how business is done forever. As Steve Kaczynski and Scott Duke Kominers wrote in their new book, The Everything Token, "NFTs and Web3 will transform the way we buy, sell, and create."

More and more people are coming to this realization, myself included.

My key takeaway from The Everything Token is The NFT Staircase Model, or the five principles of NFT strategy that will build the future Nikes, Red Bulls, and Apples of the World.

In The Coffee Experiment I will be using all five of these principles (Ownership, Utility, Identity, Community, and Evolution) to launch a coffee product and amplify shared brand values through the Web3 network effect. The idea is that through these five steps of the staircase, will allow me to build something greater with the community (you) than I could build by myself, or as renowned internet artist Jack Butcher says...

Progress Update

  1. Labels for the y00ts Coffee Bar have begun printing and should be sent to our packaging facility by the end of February!

  2. Product Mockups are being finalized over the coming days, this will allow me to really ramp up my marketing push.

  3. Marketing Strategy being developed. The beauty of the NFT Staircase is that I can gain some real traction from the existing y00ts network. I want to get the bar in as many hands as possible and see photos flooding the timeline.

  4. Newsletter growth: 5 people have collected a copy of "Welcome to The Coffee Experiment" which unlocks a FREE y00ts coffee bar upon launch. The first edition of the newsletter received a 100% open rate (shoutout to you early subscribers!) and 86 page views. Not bad for my first at bat!


My goal is to continue providing you with updates as we approach the launch day, and reward you for supporting me whenever possible!

In the first newsletter I gave away free coffee bars (like a chocolate bar but with coffee...). There are still 5 available, so make sure you collect before it's too late!

Collectors of this newsletter will receive a 20% discount on y00ts Coffee's Smile Club Ethiopian.

My only ask of you, please share this newsletter with your coffee lover friends. Together we can shape this into something really special!



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