Web3 Game Review #12: Shattered EON

A 100% On-Chain Sci-Fi Strategy Game Coming to Eth and Polygon

Welcome to the twelfth edition of Web3 Game Review, where I share my unbiased analysis on Web3 games, from a retail investor / gamer's perspective.

Our template will be as follows:
πŸ“ Overview
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦ Founding Team
🀝 Advisors and Partners
πŸ“ˆ Tokenomics
πŸ›£ Roadmap
πŸ‚ Why I'm bullish

Disclaimer: For educational purposes only. Nothing in this article is financial advise. Invest at your own risk!



Shattered EON is an interactive fully on-chain 2D strategy game centered on acquiring resources, crafting items, upgrading and defending your base, and terrorizing opponents. Players strategize wisely to dig and extract precious raw EON while keeping their base protected to survive and prosper. The rate of rEON rewards earned is dictated by the level of their base. rEON can be refined into EON, short for Eonite crystals, which is its more powerful form. It has a lot of utility which will be discussed below.

The Autonomous Rapid Prospecting System (A.R.P.S.) base is a truly dynamic and fully composable NFT that represents your progress (level-ups, research, and skills) on the plot of land. It is priced at around 25,000 EON per A.R.P.S., and 5,000 rEON is needed to activate it during the placement on the map in-game. The functionality of each A.R.P.S. can be extended with the help of neighboring Modules. Modules act as energy output to run labs and drilling equipment, help feed your Colonists and hired militias, and protect your walls from outside intruders. Module upgrades and tiers can be gated by the different combinations of Resources. Resource types include Teknite, Thaxene, Rations, Pyroleum, Nanites, and Energy. EON will be beneficial as it offers instant build options for Module upgrades. Craftable Items also make it easier to defeat opponents, as it provides a range of benefits.

The core components of Craftable Items can be found in Orbital Outposts. They have a similar set of potential modules to those of the A.R.P.S., but each has a different reason for existence. Maxxed Outposts provide the most benefits as it will earn more rEON per day. There will only be 500 Outposts ever produced, and each Outpost will only be able to use a minimum of 1 Pirate, up to a maximum of 8. They will cost 500k rEON to mint. These Outposts also serve as the main base of operations for Pirate Fleets. Pirate Outposts act as economy drivers, and control the inflow of items in the game.

Pirates take on missions and are rewarded with a certain amount of resources (Ship Scrap, Tech Slag, Thaxene Crystals, Nanite Vials, Teknite Ore, Pyroleum Slabs, Graviton Isotopes, and two secret items) if they return successfully. To start a mission, Fuel is paid in rEON, and amount is dependent on mission length and difficulty (affected by Pirate’s rank and generation). They can also team up as Pirate Fleets and take on larger scale missions with a larger pot of rewards. Players who do not own an Outpost can be hired by a crew leader. This allows their Pirate to be paid in rEON to partake in the mission, up to 60 players at once.


Colonists are required to run A.R.P.S. bases. Their Gen number will dictate how skilled they are when upgrading their A.R.P.S., directly affecting the build speed of targeted modules (Gen0 = 25%, Gen1 = 15%, Gen2 = 7%, Gen3 = 2%). The lower the Gen Colonist number, the higher the yield, since it increases the rate at which an A.R.P.S. can harvest rEON per day. Being early gets rewarded indeed.

More on Modules

Surveryor HQ is the module responsible for the extraction of Thaxene Gas and Pyroleum, two core resources required to enhance structures. Thaxene is specifically used for all types of land-based propulsion systems, welding, and occasionally defensive or weapons applications. Pyroleum is utilized as the lubricant and hydraulic agent for all mechanical purposes.

The Energy Grid is a sustainable network of power systems that acts as a base load generator of power. It is the source of Nanite, necessary for the completion of certain tasks. They need to be harvested on a regular basis to avoid problems in operations.

The Alchemic Botanical Farm (ABF) is a module for the genetic manipulation of plants and food harvesting systems for your base. It will allow players to experiment with different types of seeds from other planets and increase yields proportionate to their complexity.

Training Field is the center for all troop generation, training, exercise and vehicle assembly.

Sat Tower is where all collectable data will be harvested.

Research Lab is for upgrading every aspect in your base to help unlock player specific play paths.


The PvP and exploration system in Shattered EON has Clash of Clans type of mechanics, as players train and assemble combat units and raid enemy bases. The amount of resources raided is based on the capacity of your troop composition and the resources and rEON available. EON can never be stolen in any raid, as it is safe in your wallet. Defensive buildings lessen the damage from the troops of your opponents. The protection limit in your base can be increased through upgrades and research.


There are multiple collections that make up the entire set of game assets for Shattered EON. It ranges from Colonists (Workers), Pirates (Mercenaries), Shards (Permanent resource boosts), and Onosia (Crafting boost).

Their Genesis collection of 10,000 Colonists priced at 0.08ETH on March 30, 2022 (approximately worth $270 at the time), sold out in 2 weeks. The total sales exceeded $2M after holders staked their NFTs and started to earn rEON. As of writing, the collection has a total volume of 1,128ETH ($1,844,584 @ $1,635.27/ETH).

Their Pirates NFT collection has 111ETH ($181,514 @ $1,635.27/ETH) in total volume.

Shards and Onosia NFT collection has 24ETH ($39,246 @ $1,635.27/ETH) in total volume.

Founding Team

Blackout, Co-Founder and Senior Producer

Blackout appears to be the Marketing / Partnerships lead for the team, as he's engaged with several crypto Twitter personalities as well.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bl4ack0ut

Swampbaron, Co-Founder and Art Director

Swampbaron has 10+ years of professional experience in the art and design industry.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swampbaron

J3SPA, Co-Founder

J3SPA is an accomplished artist, specializing in front end and UX.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/J3SPA

Archivist, Co-Founder and Lore Master

Archivist leads the creative team of Shattered EON that involves 5 writers. He is also an accomplished professor.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_0xpilot

Gnar, Lead Developer

Solidity expert with 3 years of experience working in the blockchain industry. He's been involved in a few major protocols.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shanghai_bill


Resident infrastructure-guy, and bug decoder.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/terry_cy

Advisors and Partners

No details announced regarding Advisors and Partners.


Shattered EON Universe has a complex and strategic economy. A dual-token economy was designed to help balance dynamic tides of player activity.

rEON is an ERC-1155 NFT that will be the base unit of trade for Shattered EON. It will be essential for the first time activation of A.R.P.S. Land NFT, purchasing event specific / seasonal items, hiring a Pirate, and buying goods. rEON can also be staked in the Guild Banks and receive yield, if they wish to have a passive approach to the game.

EON is an ERC-20 token that will be the premium in-game currency. Its main utility is to offer instant build options for Module upgrades, reviving people and repairing vehicles, and a chance to acquire premium care packages from the Imperial Guild containing a random amount of items like resources, consumables, a limited amount of temple and spear shards, and more.

It is currently tradable at https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x3048497db630f5cd299da184f009ecf423a1172c. $EON is up 2.13% the past 24H, and down 34.73% the past week. The token pumped massively to almost 400%+ for 2 weeks from December 31, 2022 to January 13, 2023.

Data as of 02/07/2023


⬜ January / February 2023: New Website, Colonist / EON Upgrades, A.R.P.S. Airdrop / Mint, Game Demo (Testing)
⬜ February / March 2023: Pirate Stations Mint, Game Trailer, Training Materials, Documentation
⬜ April 2023: Full Game Release

Why I'm Bullish

Perfect blend of base-builder and tactical real-time strategy mechanics + blockchain + Sci-Fi. Lore Master Archivist (@_0xpilot) did a great job in integrating every component of the game into the backstory. The game mechanics are very futuristic and the elements are highly technical. The Sci-Fi theme balanced well with the futuristic tech elements. The sci-fi themed base-builder gaming experience was enhanced by blockchain technology. Other than providing full item ownership through the digital assets, their innovative on-chain mapping / pathfinding system allowed precise unit travel times, exploration missions, and PVP attack times. The smart contract determined the most efficient paths of attack and return using the pathfinding system that utilizes a conversion method of axial and cubic coordinates.

Balanced gameplay and fully integrated dual token economy. I like how they have a deflationary measure to balance the game and economy. Fuel spent in missions is burnt and removed from the circulating supply forever. This is a good way to put resource sinks in-game, since it is a way to counterbalance the increased earning potential of Pirates. There will also be spam prevention measures that will be implemented via cooldowns, to maintain a fun atmosphere and burn-out free gaming experience.

Innovative approach to Land NFTs. Their A.R.P.S. NFTs will be full featured dynamic NFTs that will be synchronized to your progress on Pytheas. This is not your ordinary Land NFT, as it is built with the EIP-2535 standard. They will be slotted and upgradeable, with live metadata updates, and visual changes based on in-game activity. It will be fully transferrable and tradable even when there are staked assets attached to it.

Fixed payouts and rewards for early adopters. Having fixed payouts is a good way to set expectations for the earning potential of the game. The game is not entirely fixated on the idea of having a play-to-earn economy, rather, it rewards users based on how early and supportive they are of the project. Holders of the Genesis A.R.P.S. will earn the most rewards, as the daily rewards for owning a Genesis A.R.P.S. will be proportionate to the tier level. The earlier that they are in the Shattered EON ecosystem, the more privileged they are in getting access to Genesis collections and exclusive offers. Their rewards also scale over time, as they upgrade and level up their base.

Twitter Thread

To know more about Shattered EON, you can reach out to them via the following links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShatteredEON
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/shatteredeon
Website: https://shatteredeon.io/
Whitepaper: https://shatteredeon.gitbook.io/shattered-eon/

For partnerships and collaborations, please reach out to me via any of the following channels:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/0xconglomerate
Discord: https://discordapp.com/users/998408827756093490


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