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Have you tried singing for someone you loved?

So we fell in love but always wanted to sing until the day she said, please don't sing for me again your voice is not good, a day of dark shades or low light, a beam of perspiration flash through my lovers eyes but I knew i had the words but the voice was lacking but I made up my mind I would sing better some day, today i am on my way to stardom but i am going to be singing to a new lover.

I joined a singing group, learning the rudiments of songs and the way it flows, for words? I always had a steady flow even though I was not vaste in learning but I could twist every turn,I could paint any line,with my mind on the line, I could make the worse line still rhyme, oh my love was like wine for i was drunk but am fine, there is a great shine ahead and i can tell that its mine.

I learnt how it works, I did it, but she is not here anymore I thought we could wait but I guess I was late, but I am sure I will have a mate one day then I will sing so sweet, the hear will continue in tears for I will try to make the rhymes mine.

Some extra skills are added,some warm-ups and some lyrical checks too, am yet perfected as it is a progressive journey. I think we should all take our challenge and become the best part we can.

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