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Men are in sizes

Let him be called a man who uses his mind

He who uses his fist is not fully developed yet a man's power is born from the inside

The strength of a man is seen in his mind

There is nothing that powers a true man like the force from his mind

Let him be called a man who uses his mind

The mind of a man is the man of the mind

The force that he brings begins first from the mind

There is no skyscraper without the mind of the man who first saw it from the unseen

There is no mountain moved without the mind of a man

No automobile was built without a mind behind it.

He sees his reactions, actions, intentions, reflection, projections, interjections, and retention; everything starts and completes from the mind.

Never nnderestimate the power of a renewed mind. He is capable of creating a new world, making disciples, and leading a good life.

He is a slave who can think it and so is he a king who can think it.

He is who he thinks he is and nothing less. Even if he wishes for me, he only needs to think about it, and it will be real in his hands.

There is a transport system from lines to lanes all birthed from minds.

A powerful man is a man of the mind.

Capable and invisible but yet visible by the forces he engages with his mind.

I know a powerful man, he is the one reading this now and that's you

You are well able to........ Fill in the blanks

Whether we a nore made o

r we marred we do the work

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