So I went online looking for a picture that represents consistency, even though I know I will only get figures of similitude, I know for one that consistency is not like saying laptop online and you see numerous options u saw that it has form, maybe not with a sharp but a mental picture of continuous occurrence what the others will call Insanity.
Consistency is showing up, looking up,coming up and "again, keeping up, trying again but never stoping. Consistency is a banana hawker coming to my office every 10 am 6 days of the week and asking if I will buy today, it is me picking the pen and writing and publishing trusting that I will be a blessing to the person I tried to tell a word before, it is showing again in the meetings, in the classes, in the mentoring environment, consistency is buying the data again to try again.
It is like having a vision of what the true future looks like and reaching out everyday,it is like recieving information that there is crude/gold under your house and digging everyday, sometimes it is the little little steps ,the showing up daily,the constant show that you are available and that you are a great option when considered but much more with consistency is tipping your shows with some spice, giving new looks, putting more speed,trying it in another way.
When you consistently fail it may not be the end, but the big question is are you seeing what you did differently the first time or the other time.
You may need a mentor now to help you see differently, you may need a new freind to help you think again, but you should be careful of your circle against dream killers those who don't let you show up but take you away from the journey.
Anyone who has made up his mind to try again has already succeeded, success is not a place it is a life, it's not a thing it is a been, success is journey forward consistently moving in the direction of the ultimate goal.
Little savings somewhere
Little voice training daily
Little exercise
Like talks here and there
Little prayer daily
Little reading of good book daily
Little listening to the right words from good people daily
You continue the flows to the prepared mind, the consistent man is a master of his character.
Note that consistency too can be journey forward without going in circles, the truth is your journey determines you movement, speed in the wrong direction will lead to a wrong destination,but little steps to the right direction is key, it's not "if" it is "when"
Have you found your journey, get going freind share this and help one more person, we rise by lifting others. Smile please