Nillion Network is a decentralized secure computation platform, enabling privacy-preserving data processing. It features a dual network for coordinating payments (NilChain) and executing blind computations (Petnet), using advanced cryptography for data privacy. Nillion aims to revolutionize AI and data handling by decentralizing trust, similar to how blockchains decentralized transactions.
Their Verifier program is now live, and early contributors will be rewarded 🪂.
Nillion Verifier doesn't require a high-end CPU or RAM; it can run on any system with a stable internet connection. However, for continuous operation, it's advisable to run it on a VPS, which operates 24/7 without interruption.
Setting Up a VPS:
Purchase a cheapest VPS from OVH cloud :
If you find a cheaper option with at least 1 GB of RAM and a stable connection, you can go for that instead.
Setting Up a Wallet:
⏤ Download Keplr and create your wallet if you haven't already:
⏤ Add Nillion Testnet to your Keplr wallet.
⏤ Request $NIL from the faucet:
Getting started:
Go to Node Dashboard :
Select "Verifier" and choose your system (Linux if you're following these instructions).
Open the Docs and follow the commands:
Install a Docker:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl
curl -fsSL -o
curl -fsSL -o
Install screen:
sudo apt-get install screen
screen -S node
You can detach the screen by pressing Ctrl+A
, then D
, and reopen it with screen -R node
Download the Accuser Image:
docker pull nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.0
Initialising the accuser:
mkdir -p nillion/accuser
docker run -v ./nillion/accuser:/var/tmp nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.0 initialise
You will see your Account ID and Public Key. Copy and save them.
Verify on Dashboard:
Enter your Account ID and Public Key from step 5 in the 5th step of the dashboard and verify.
Refresh the page before verifying, then copy and save the 7th step command.
Now Fund your accuser use your public kay and request faucet
Ensure your accuser has $NIL; you can check this on the explorer:
Also, check your Keplr wallet transactions to confirm the block height for your PAY For
(Verifying) Transaction
before running the accuser. Make sure to start your accuser just before the block height of your registration. If you refreshed the page before verifying, you don't need to adjust the block if not start by -5 to -150 blocks to ensure it runs smoothly.
Wait at least 1 hour, then run the command from step 7.
If everything is set up correctly, your accuser will start finding and submitting secrets.
If you encounter an RPC Error, stop the accuser and run:
docker ps -a | grep nillion | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} docker stop {} && \
docker ps -a | grep nillion | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} docker rm {} && \
LATEST_BLOCK=$(curl -s | jq -r .result.sync_info.latest_block_height) && \
docker run -d -v ./nillion/accuser:/var/tmp nillion/retailtoken-accuser:v1.0.0 accuse --rpc-endpoint "" --block-start "$LATEST_BLOCK" && \
docker logs -f $(docker ps | grep nillion | awk '{print $NF}')
If your Verifier fails to register and returns False
stop the process by pressing Ctrl+C
, create another Keplr account, and verify with the new account. Ensure you enter the correct block number before verification to avoid further errors.