Over 200 subscribers
⎘"Consensys launched their private testnet beta for whitelisted users, you will receive receive all instructions on how to interact with the zkEVM testnet "
Still not register for whitelist ?
⏤ There's still time to get whitelisted now :) https://www.infura.io/resources/network/consensys-zkevm-beta-signup/thank-you
⏤ Create infura account with same email address that you used in the form: app.infura.io/register
• Setup Testing environment
⏤ open infura account (That you created in above step)
⏤ click on a create new key (your Dashboard will be different)
⏤ select IPFS and name your key ( Project )
⏤ and create it
⏤ click on a "manage key"
⏤ You will see "API Key Secret" here just copy it now
Go to Testnet Portal : https://goerli.zkevm.consensys.net/
⏤ Submit your RPC Endpoint ( https://consensys-zkevm-goerli-prealpha.infura.io/v3/ and after / past your API key 👆)
like that :)
⏤ Connect your wallet ( it will add ConsenSys zkEVM testnet ) and Add network
⏤ Probably you already have Goerly $ETH if not request here : https://faucetlink.to/sepolia
• Now you are ready to bridge and test ConsenSys zkEVM Testnet
⏤ Bridge your Goerly ETH to zkEVM by @HopProtocol Fork : https://bridge.goerli.zkevm.consensys.net/send
⏤ Select Goerli top side>inter amount>Send transection
⏤ confirm it from metamask
• Use the Uniswap v3 fork to swap tokens and provide liquidity
⏤ Go to : https://swap.goerli.zkevm.consensys.net/#/swap
⎘"At a time of writing it's not working, Do multiple swap and Add LP "
Now transfer your ETH back to Goerly Testnet
⎘"Do all above step multiple time"
🗒 Don't use multiple account and better to wait for email Probably you will receive in coming weeks....
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