Welcome to the Alpha!
This is where I gather up all the things that were on my radar during the past week. If I feel they’re worth passing on, they end up here with a few thoughts of my own.
Community Dashboard
A great example of the type of data that becomes accessible with open blockchains and smart contracts
Beta launched this week with a limited number of large communities.
Combines On-chain and Off-chain data - Off-chain info appears to be limited to Twitter stats
Get the latest info on membership, treasury, floor price, governance and at least a dozen other project stats at-a-glance.
Calculate a project’s “Gini Score” - a rating that shows the concentration of ownership of a given project.
The interface is static - you can’t adjust the scale of any of the charts - but it’s an excellent start
No Code Airdrop Generator
Beta is live
Claims to be a “Web3 Marketing Stack”
Use conditional logic to determine who qualifies
Collect addresses of those who claim
Analyze the progress of the drop
Works with ERC-20, 721, 1155
Thanks to Priyanka(OnlyADecadeLate) from the fweb3 community for sharing this project
The Real Changes Blockchains Bring
By Yancey Strickler, former CEO of Kickstarter, Web3 Convert, Founder of Metalabel
The decline of platform lock-in
“Web3 data, for the most part, is platform-agnostic. Most actions taken on Web3-native tools result in some token or recognition appearing in your digital wallet — a secure folder that’s permanently yours and interoperable with other sites and platforms.”
Distribution of ownership and influence outside an organization
“The value of most Web2 platforms comes from content created by people… Despite that fact, short of purchasing a company’s public stock, creators are almost never the owners of the platforms they use.”
“platforms and networks built on the rails of blockchains are able to distribute tokens of ownership to anyone they wish, whether they’re a founder, a full-time employee, or a valuable community member.”
Permanent agnostic archiving
“Because a blockchain is a giant public ledger, it allows for agnostic permanent storage and provenance that will become even more important the older and bigger the Internet gets.”
What do NFTs have to do with books (and other creative work)?
NFTs for Books: How This Emerging Tech Can Reward Authors & Readers
By Emily Wenstrom for BookRiot.com
If you have a basic understanding of Web3, you can probably skip to the “What do NFTs have to do with books?” subheading.
NFTs and Blockchains will make it easier to protect copyrights
Smart Contracts will make collaborations and contractual obligations instant, transparent and trustless
Royalties will create a resale revenue stream (this feature has a long way to go before it is reliable)
“Beyond Books: Fandom Bonuses” - This section could apply to all creators…
First and special editions - Can you offer a special edition of your work? Early Access? It doesn't have be free, just limited to your most committed fans.
Signed copies - Is there a way to personalize a piece of your existing work to make it special for members of your community?
Swag and Bonuses (Multimedia) - This could be simple and free, like stickers. Or it could be a limited experience at a premium price.
The author goes on to discuss the hidden costs of NFTs, but this is always a perilous argument. When people talk about the costs of minting an NFT they’re referencing old data and don’t understand what assumptions have been made. Newer blockchain designs make NFTs cheaper for the environment, the author, and the customer. They also NEVER compare blockchain costs to those of using the existing publishing and distribution system. What is the environmental cost of shipping single books from warehouses to customers all over the world?
Thanks to Todd3CR from the $RISE Community for sharing this piece.