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Why do only 15 percent of people make a profit after the Bull Run? ๐Ÿš€

Someone would say because of greed, but it's not just greed. Let's think about it

And I know I already told you, but remember:

85% of people end up with no profit after the Bull Market and some of them even in a big loss? Only 15% of people come out with a profit. that is the harsh reality. Most people do not make profits in the first two Bull Markets.

Greed is something that overwhelms people with euphoria at the peak of the Bull Run. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Greed, while a significant factor, is not the only reason for this staggering statistic. One must also consider the role of a lack of financial literacy and poor risk management strategies. Many individuals enter the market hoping to make quick profits without understanding the mechanics of investing or the risks involved. They invest impulsively, guided by emotions rather than analysis, consequently riding the bull run without an exit strategy. Once the market turns, they find themselves caught in the bear's grip, often selling at loss in panic. This cycle repeats itself, with only a small percentage managing to break free and secure profits.

Moreover, the role of psychological biases cannot be overlooked in this scenario. Behavioral finance has shown us that investors often fall victim to cognitive errors such as overconfidence and confirmation bias, which can lead to poor investment decisions. Overconfidence may cause an investor to underestimate the risk involved or overestimate their ability to predict market movements. Confirmation bias, on the other hand, leads investors to pay more attention to information that confirms their existing beliefs and ignore contradictory information. These biases further exacerbate the problem of financial illiteracy and poor risk management, contributing to the low percentage of individuals who secure profits after a bull run.

Even the influence of external factors like media hype and peer influence can't be discounted. The media often fuels the fire of a bull run, creating excitement and a fear of missing out (FOMO) among investors. This drives inexperienced individuals to jump on the bandwagon without considering the potential downturns. Similarly, peer pressure can lead to herd mentality, where investors blindly follow the actions of others in an effort to not be 'left out.' Unfortunately, these factors combined with those mentioned earlier create a cocktail of missteps, leading to the startling fact that only 15% of people make a profit after the Bull Run.

To truly address this issue, we must look beyond the tip of the iceberg and focus on comprehensive financial education. It's crucial to impart investors with knowledge about market dynamics, risk assessment, and strategic investing. Moreover, honing critical thinking skills can help individuals recognize and combat cognitive biases, making more informed investment decisions. Efforts should also be made to promote discernment in the face of media hype or peer pressure, encouraging investors to carry out their own research and analysis. Indeed, navigating the volatile world of stock markets is no easy feat, but with the right knowledge and mindset, the journey from a bull run to profit can be less precarious and more rewarding.

In conclusion, while greed plays a role in the lack of profit post-bull run, it is far from the only contributing factor. A combination of financial illiteracy, poor risk management, psychological biases, and external influences like media hype and peer pressure are all significant factors leading to this phenomenon. It's vital that we address the root cause rather than the symptoms of the issue by focusing on comprehensive financial education, and critical thinking skills, and encouraging independent analysis. These measures can help individuals better navigate the tumultuous world of investing, making the journey from a bull run to profit not just possible, but more likely.

Ultimately, the key to turning a profit post-bull run lies not just in curbing greed, but in cultivating financial literacy, proper risk management, unbiased decision-making, and independent thinking.

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Jenny โญ

Disclaimer: This article is not financial advice and is solely based on personal experiences. It is for entertainment purposes only.

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