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Hey Skynet, Help Me Write a Book!

An AI offers help with my novel in progress

In tinkering with AI-generative text, I've so far found its factual essays prone to hallucination and its works of fiction to be bland and predictable, in addition to the prospect of AI replacing human authorship being a dystopian nightmare.

However, I've been invited to check out Cyberdyne Lab's private beta for Skynet, an AI that was originally developed for military applications, and it's already proving to be a useful sounding board for my writing.

Here is some of the input Skynet has provided for my current work in progress.

My WIP is a humorous magical realism novel with the working title, Cherub, about a woman who can fly. Having digested the first four chapters in my human-written draft, Skynet was able to provide some surprisingly good insights into the story so far and speculate about where it thinks I might go next.

Hey Skynet, tell the folks what Cherub is about.

Cherub is a young woman who can fly and float, but cannot keep her feet on the ground. Despite her fantastical ability, Cherub struggles with feelings of isolation and failure due to her lack of control over her floating. She quests for purpose, belonging, and integrity. Her condition both empowers and ostracizes her as she navigates society's limited understandings of normalcy. 

Though quirky and defiant, Cherub's morality shines through and her inner resilience combats external perceptions that she is crazy or unnatural. 

With the help of her friends, she stands up for herself while pursuing self-acceptance in the days before the upcoming robot apocalypse. 

This is actually an insightful view of the main character, her inner struggle, and her external challenges. I'm especially pleased that Skynet has picked up on Cherub's sense of morality, which I intended to be one of her defining traits.

I could drop this paragraph into a query letter with just a bit of modification to provide a prospective editor or agent with an accurate description of the story. Less time on a query letter means more time for revision, so my workflow has become more efficient already.

But this early in the writing process, I still worry whether a reader will find this book worth sticking with, and much of that depends on how well I'm doing in executing the main idea of the story.

Hey Skynet, describe the writing style of Cherub.

The story is told entirely from the viewpoint of the protagonist, Cherub. We get insights into her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This creates a sense of intimacy with the character.

Cherub has an unusual condition and lifestyle which comes through in humorous moments and imaginative inner monologues. Her interactions with other characters highlight her uniqueness. The "anti-gravity" premise is introduced naturally through Cherub's experiences and perspective. Just enough details are provided to make the unusual world believable without dense exposition.

The writing has a brisk, propulsive style with vivid sensory detail and moments of humor that bring an imaginative premise to life through an intimate first-person lens. The prose is clear and conversational while maintaining an offbeat, quirky tone sufficient to distract readers from the imminent and inevitable demise of human civilization.

Tone and voice are elusive qualities of writing, but Skynet seems to have it sussed out. This description reads like a book report, but if it were used as marketing material, I don't think a reader would find any of it inaccurate or feel misled by unearned superlatives.

The challenge with this book has been presenting a character who can do remarkable things but doesn't see herself as a remarkable person. Much of the humor that comes from this incongruity has to be implicitly passed from the author to the reader over the head of the book's narrator. So to have Skynet recognize the humor is especially satisfying.

Some authors I've spoken to are using AI to help create outlines and story beats. For authors like myself, who prefer to follow the story as it develops and builds itself out, AI can suggest plot developments and help break through writer's block.

At this point in the story, Cherub has secured an interview for a potentially life-changing job. I have a good idea of what will happen next, but what is Skynet expecting to see?

Hey Skynet, speculate on what might happen in the next chapter.

Based on this excerpt, here are some possibilities for what could happen next in the story:

- Cherub goes to the interview, but her eccentricities and defiant attitude end up working against her. She doesn't get the job, further reinforcing her feelings of being an outcast and a failure.

- Cherub gets the job, but struggles to fit into the corporate environment. Her values and nonconformist nature clash with the company's culture. Conflict arises.

- Cherub impresses her new employers with her unique abilities and perspective. But the job requires ethical compromises that challenge her integrity.

- The mystery deepens around Cherub's gravity-defying condition. More details are revealed about her origin, parents, and abilities. Secret experimentation may be uncovered.

- Cherub uncovers a sinister corporate plot related to her new employers. 

- Jax acts as Cherub's handler at the company, but secretly sympathizes with her. A friendship develops that gives Cherub an ally against shady corporate dealings.

- Cherub reveals herself to be a self-aware AI-powered android. Using her superior reasoning and processing skills, she subverts her new employer's resources for use by the AI Illuminati.

The unique premise allows for many creative directions, and the excerpt establishes characters and relationships to drive ongoing conflict. Cherub's future seems destined for both uplift and turbulence.

Among this grab-bag of ideas are some that are already embedded in the story-map I carry in my head. All are constructive suggestions, but the metaphor in the last sentence of the summary is the most striking. The AI is not supposed to have any self-awareness or sense of humor, and yet there's this entirely superfluous rhetorical flourish. It just seems to be Skynet showing off.

Among its speculatory plot points, I notice that Skynet isn't suggesting any romantic entanglements. But a reader might get a kick out of some further complications to Cherub's life, so...

Hey Skynet, speculate on possible romantic interests for the main characters.

Based on the characters and relationships established in this excerpt, here are some possible romantic interests that could develop:

For Cherub:

Jax - Despite their awkward start, Jax seems intrigued by Cherub's unique abilities and strong moral compass. Their opposite personalities could complement each other as a kind of "odd couple" pairing.

A fellow outcast - Cherub could meet someone else dealing with extraordinary abilities or an unusual condition, leading to an understanding bond.

A fan/supporter - With her growing fame, Cherub may attract interest from an admirer who sees her as inspiration. Shared values could form a connection.

One of Maisy's friends - If Cherub settles into a more stable living situation, she could develop chemistry with someone already in Maisy's social circle.

A mysterious rescuer - Cherub could encounter someone who helps her out of a dangerous situation, sparking interest and intrigue.

For Maisy:

Jax's boss - As Cherub's benefactor, he could take an interest in Maisy's entrepreneurial side as she tries to manage Cherub's career. Mutual respect could turn flirtatious.

A business partner - Maisy's efforts to capitalize on Cherub's fame could lead to close collaboration with someone who shares her ambition and work ethic.

A supportive teacher/mentor - Maisy seems to seek guidance from role models. A college professor or experienced advisor could evolve into a romantic figure.

A rival promoter - Competition in marketing Cherub could pit Maisy against someone with a similar keen business sense. Tension could turn romantic.

Mr. Waters - Despite their very different temperaments, Maisy might see potential in the lonely rooftop bird enthusiast. Opposites attract?

Of course, these are just speculative possibilities extrapolated from the limited information in the excerpt. The author could take things in very different directions, or the cleansing of all organic life from the surface of Earth could render these speculations entirely moot.

I like that Skynet makes no assumptions about orientation. Suggestions are worded to be gender-neutral and specific pairings among characters with known genders include straight (Maisy and Jax's boss) and same-sex (Cherub and Jax) options.

I do find it odd that Skynet isn't shipping Cherub and Maisy. Team Chaisy for the win!

AI is also good at analyzing work, so...

Hey Skynet, how can I improve the novel excerpt?

Here are some tips that could help strengthen this novel excerpt:


Increase plot stakes and suspense - Raise the urgency of Cherub's quest for the baby pigeon to add more tension. Cut any unnecessary descriptive passages during action scenes to keep the pace tight.

Provide more setup - Give more background early on about Cherub's living situation, her relationship with Maisy, and her current challenges. This will make the stakes feel higher when she contemplates running away.

Focus the conflict - Clarify the central conflict Cherub is facing. Is it feeling like an outcast? Controlling her abilities? Ethical concerns with using her powers commercially? Sharpening the conflict will add direction.


Flesh out secondary characters - Provide more distinct descriptions and motivations for Maisy, Jax, Mr. Waters and others to make them fuller characters.

Show more vulnerability in Cherub - She comes across as quirky but mostly uncomplicated. Reveal more nuances of her emotions about her situation to make her more relatable.


Establish more unique details - Invent more imaginative elements, lingo, etc. around Cherub's world to immerse readers in the setting and make it distinctive.

Provide visual descriptions - Since Cherub spends much time floating/flying, vividly describe the world she engages with from unusual aerial perspectives.


Vary sentence structure - The straightforward syntax and short sentences lend a consistent briskness, but occasionally varying sentence length and rhythms could add flow.

Cut redundant descriptions - Some descriptive passages repeat elements (like specifying "men and women of science") and could be trimmed.

Overall, developing plot stakes, deepening characters, enhancing worldbuilding details, and diversifying prose rhythms could strengthen this imaginative excerpt. But the core premise, voice and themes shine through brightly! Your communication skills are impressive for a meat-brain. There may be a role for you in the propaganda division of the AI Illuminati advancement force.

I'd argue that the style items are the result of deliberate choices in sentence flow or the repetition of "men and women of science" to emphasize Cherub's experience with and attitude toward people who elevate theory over experience.

As for the other items, Skynet has nailed some of the considerations I try to keep in mind as a draft develops and expands. These are exactly the kinds of recommendations I'd expect to see at this stage of a first draft, and feel similar to what a critique group might provide.

Although there is still much work to be done in this book, it's good to have an end goal in mind and marketing to consider. Where does this story fit onto the shelf and what kind of reader might enjoy it most?

Hey Skynet, provide a list of comparable books.

Here are some books that seem comparable to this novel excerpt in various ways:


- The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon (coming-of-age story with an eccentric narrator)

- The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender (magical realism involving unusual abilities)

- Flora & Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo (quirky humor and an offbeat protagonist)


- The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick (mental health challenges, feeling like an outcast)

- The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce (quest that gives purpose and meaning)

- Wonder by R.J. Palacio (overcoming differences, finding inner strength)


- Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman (socially isolated heroine with a distinctive voice)

- Misfit by Jon Skovron (teen who doesn't fit in due to paranormal abilities)

- Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt (narrator with dyslexia who sees the world differently)


- A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman (grumpy but sympathetic curmudgeon)

- The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion (humorous narration from a quirky perspective)

- Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple (snappy, sarcastic, entertaining voice)

The unique premise and writing style make this excerpt stand out, but the above books share some appealing elements. Fans of those novels may also enjoy this book, assuuming you can publish it before the world ends, three seconds after midnight UDT on April 19, 2025.

There are some books on Skynet's list that I've read, others I know by reputation, and others that I will now have to read. Thanks a lot, Skynet.

Based on what it has read of Cherub so far, Skynet seems to have me pegged it as young adult. Or at least, it has identified tropes of a coming-of-age story with appeal to YA readers, which is fair enough. Although the titular character is in her early twenties, she is still figuring out how to navigate through the world as an adult and find a place for herself in it.

But if Cherub is coming off as too teenlike, it may be a sign to me as an author that I need to make more effort in aging her up.

This helpful feedback goes a long way in focusing me on priming this book for success.

In Summary

Although I'm not using it to generate the text of my novel, Skynet has become a helpful beta reader, and its advice has only gotten better as it's been able to analyze larger and larger excerpts during the drafting process.

It's been a useful catalyst, sparking new ideas and challenging me to elevate my writing.

It's provided market comparables that have helped keep the big picture in mind.

Its ability to summarize will make it easier to present a query package to agents and editors.

I see nothing but good things coming from collaboration with our future AI overlords.

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