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Introducing the American Justice Community

Your ticket into...or out of...discussions of law and politics

Some people subscribed to this newsletter for news about my writing or about writing in general. Others came for the technology and innovation. Either way, I don't expect anyone to necessarily share my interest in legal filings involving a certain former U.S. President.

But if you're all about law and justice in the United States, read on!

Fraud: The Art of the Steal is a book I co-authored with Yellowstone Rob, the Wealthiest Person in Human History (On Paper). The book presents a satirical take on sixteen types of fraud alleged in the Trump & Co. civil fraud trial currently pending in New York.

The "pre-verdict" edition of this book is the first title available from Cryptoversal Books and I'm very proud of how it turned out, although it will probably need to be revised and expanded once Justice Engoron's verdict is rendered. It will likely be revised again after the inevitable appeals have run their course.

Two extra frauds have come to light since the end of the trial that may be affecting the verdict that the judge is drafting.

First, the independent monitor put in place by the court has issued a report on the state of accounting practices at the Trump Organization. Although the organization has been operating under a spotlight during the civil fraud proceedings, the independent monitor identified an ongoing lack of internal controls and generally accepted accounting principles. That makes the organization's ongoing financial statements less reliable than they should be, creating the potential for ongoing fraud.

Second, the New York Times is reporting that the Trump Organization's ex-CFO may plead guilty to perjury, undermining and nullifying the testimony he gave on Trump's behalf.

Will this impact the ultimate verdict? Let's just say that when your business stands accused of having committed pervasive fraud, it's not a good look to also have a CFO who lies under oath and an accounting department that rubber-stamps any inaccuracy that lands on their desks.

To provide commentary on this case and others without inundating readers who come here to escape from current events, I've created an American Justice community on Paragraph. Readers who opt in will receive exclusive law- and politics-related posts that will not be sent to other subscribers. There may also be an opportunity for guest posts and I've been hearing rumors around the house of an American Justice DAO in the conceptual stage.

Your ticket to opt into these posts is a digital collectible on the Cent platform.

I'm excited about this feature, which will allow me to post more often on a subject I'm passionate about without worrying that I'll alienate readers who are here for other topics I'm passionate about.

What would you like to see from this community? Let me know in the comments!

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