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Introducing the Cryptoversal Newsletter

Happenings at Web3 Publishing and Cryptoversal Books

Say goodbye to the former Mytho-Crypto News and hello to two newsletters with a narrower focus on your literary interests.

Back on Substack, the Mythoversal Newsletter will return to its roots in mythology, the craft of storytelling, and the challenges of traditional publishing. Meanwhile, here on Paragraph, the Cryptoversal Newsletter will explore the brave new world of decentralized, encrypted, community-built, token-gated, and otherwise Web3-based literature on the blockchain.

Former Mytho-Crypto subscribers have been shuffled into both platforms by default. If you're like me, and your passions lie in the center of the Venn Diagram of "Content" and "Format," I hope you share in both realms of conversation. But I won't be offended if you unsubscribe from either one.

I'll be interested to see which platform and topic receive more engagement.

Cryptoversal Books

"This week we're trying something a little different," is something I've been saying on a near-weekly basis over at our up-and-coming Web3 publishing house, Cryptoversal Books.

This week, inspired by Greg Younger and his groundbreaking 30-Day Mirror Challenge, we've released a promotional poster for an upcoming release.

Your Mom

You can right-click-save the poster above and it will be worth...nothing. The same nothing a jpeg on your hard drive is always worth. Or you can collect the poster for free on the Mirror or Cent Pages platforms, hold it, gift it, sell it, or redeem it for something cool that you'll hear more about on May 22nd.

This is not your mom's jpeg. Or maybe it is...

Chat with Me

I'm always happy to jump into Twitter Spaces or podcasts when I can. Join me tomorrow to talk about literary NFTs on Druid's Grove.


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