Weekly Update - 12/2/2022

Here is an update of the events that have transpired this week


Pallet - Job Board

  • We currently have 66 members in our Talent Collective and 32 jobs posted to our Job Board.

  • Find more about our Talent Collective and our Job Board by visiting our Pallet: https://daopunks.pallet.com/.

DAOpunks want to help introduce and match you with companies that are looking to hire based on your specific skills and experience through our Talent Collective. Our goal is to help find that prospective position that is well suited for you and your particular talents. Consider joining so that we can foster these introductions: Apply Today!

Together, we forge paths to fertile promises lands, where all find freedom, opportunity, meaningful work, community, and untold abundance. The path is wild and untraveled; yet by working together we go further….DAOpunks lead the way.

Important Links

DAOpunks Pallet: https://daopunks.pallet.com/

Commonwealth: https://commonwealth.im/daopunks

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN0WU5a9e2OpgkHjswlPRlw

Discord: https://discord.gg/daopunks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DAOpunksNFT

Website: https://www.daopunks.io/

Suggestions & Feedback

Do you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in these weekly update?

Contact livefast9986.eth#6291 in Discord or via email at LiveFast9986@gmail.com

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