cohort_3 is now accepting applications! You have until July 1st at 11:59pm Pacific to submit your application, where you can be eligible to receive a 1ETH grant from us!
I AM A has officially launched on Optimism! The first ARCHETYPE released was the ANON. Mint yours today!
Each wallet that mints at least one ANON will be eligible to receive a free I AM A DAOPunk ANON t-shirt (shipping not included). Find all the details on how to claim the shirt in our IAMA exclusive channel: #🤖iama-general
You can also buy the I AM A ANON t-shirt right now in our merch store for $35.
Shipping costs has been dramatically reduced as compared to our 1-of-1 shirts.
Job Board and Talent Collective - Pallet
We currently have 95 members in our Talent Collective and have 25 jobs posted to our Job Board.
Find more about our Talent Collective and our Job Board by visiting our Pallet: https: .
Are you looking for work in Web3? Do you have a specific set of skills that may be desirable by companies, organizations, and other DAOs? Whether you are passively, actively, or just window-shopping opportunities or jobs, consider joining our Talent Collective .
Together, we can and will find the freedom that Web3 offers
Important Links
DAOpunks Pallet: https:
Commonwealth: https: daopunks
Youtube Channel: https: channel/UCN0WU5a9e2OpgkHjswlPRlw
Discord: https: daopunks
Twitter: https: DAOpunksNFT
Website: https:
OpenSea: https: collection/daopunksnft
Suggestions & Feedback
Do you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in these weekly update?
Contact livefast9986.eth#6291 in Discord or via email at