Cutting The Knot

Following the instinct to increase understanding creates space between your histories of choice (habits) and current paths of opportunity (change).

When you willingly step into and operate from this realm of questioning, insight blooms.

Without confidence to apply the balm of self-inquiry, the space between your past experience and present circumstances can tie you to a sense of stagnant wonder, or suffocate vital actions with constrictive numbness.

In either case, you must cut the ties.

As you cut, you clean your inner space, the realm of deep creation. Where integrity resides and is unleashed.

Refreshing motivation is a natural part of your ability to thrive in times of liminal expression. Questing into the entirety of your existence calls for sharpening personal truth.

Refining your core purpose often invokes a sense of "threat" to standards of comfort no longer useful for your evolution. Full intelligence-arousal places you on the road to fate creation. From the place of consciously unraveling false beliefs, the loosened knots that grip your dream-skin shift their rubbing threads into a cloth of protective, clarifying freedom.


Photo · Manuel Sardo

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