
Grace is a primal nutrient in transformative living.

As a practice, its activation allows more emotive texture and mental fluidity to coexist as accomplices – not dualistic aggressors – in the midst of installing new solutions.

Operating in grace is an intentional behavior. It is rooted in the decision to engage with others and life circumstances that generate clear emotional, social, and mental challenge as a spiritual initiation – an inner life call to dive deeper.

Grace is also the explicit realm of living and leading from an open heart.

It is a higher octave of patience. A more fortified, freedom-driven level of kindness requiring relentless surrender to source insight from what is now happening – while actively redirecting outcomes through a shift in perspective concerning what and who is challenging you.

Grace is equally an unending, unlimited resource pathway. To extend grace, to live in a state of grace, is to open yourself to unplanned opportunities of benefit.

Benefit that is gifted to you, beyond reason and logic, primed in persistent effort and release. Benefit that could be tiny in its presentation, growth, or unusual in its path of travel to you, but still vital with provision.

Experiencing grace as a gift of unplanned benefit is often mistaken for random “luck” or casual “serendipity”.

Yet, it’s critical for you as an innovator to cultivate, receive, and most importantly to generously offer this quality of grace to others – and yourself – as you build.


Photo · Sarah Bronske

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