Positional Dominion

Our daily work is spiritual territory.

Every “job” is a portal to train and deepen our soul's strength and agility toward living more abundantly on Earth. Work was never meant to bind us in reactive, life-depleting submission to another’s limited vision and definition of who we are.

Yet, we spend extreme amounts of time at work, on the job – requiring us to become masters of it. Our roles are atmospheres to intentionally design, construct, and realize personal desired outcomes toward collaborative, organizational achievement.

The phenomena of our professional life is the realm we’re each given to establish and exert what I call positional dominion.

Image credit – Clay Banks

Positional influence reveals how much you’re able to dwell powerfully in the work – the territory – you’re responsible for.

Your job title and daily responsibilities, your position, is a home. It’s the resting place you chose and were assigned to flourish in.

Work as a “resting place” does not mean you’re lax in execution. It doesn’t mean you allow variable pressures to corner you, making you identify as a victim incapable of shifting power and invoking change. No matter how small or large the responsibility, no matter the amount of pushback or social difficulty experienced, you must rule over – fully occupy – that role.

Rest here means relaxed, enlivened engagement. Being at-ease, while working. Rest is an aspect of positional influence – operating from knowing you cannot be moved away from fulfilling your larger purpose, even if – and when – external circumstances shift.

You’re rested because you maintain and increase self-control, which prepares you for greater opportunities and advantages as they arise. 

Dominion over your role signals ownership – what you uniquely possess and skillfully, confidently express explicit sovereignty over.

Dominion means exactly what it sounds like – to dominate

Positional dominion is the embodied expression of your role at work as a seat of spiritual rulership, within the material world. It focuses on:

  • cultivating inner life wellbeing, as a foundation for outer world success 

  • neutralizing external pulls and internal pressure to self-sabotage

  • identifying and shifting inner life (soul) misfires at the root of all work performance challenges

Positional dominion is not about you dominating others – or allowing anyone else to dominate / exert control over you.

Positional dominion is about dominating and directing the quality and expanse of outcomes you desire to express professionally. It’s about full exertion of your willpower, energy, and presence over the work you’ve been given to do as an artisanal, creative, regenerative act. 

To create is to bring to life – enhancing the quality of daily existence for yourself, loved ones, the greater communities, and organizations/teams you’re a part of.

When you view your work life as a lab to test, temper, and cultivate your soul's growth no job – no profession – can bind or obstruct you from accomplishing your most vital work on Earth.

Every role performed is an evolutionary, supernatural stepping stone – not a mundane career death sentence.

Work – if approached as an intentional construct of God’s design for us to learn from – is not where we’re meant to stagnate or experience repetitive delay, failure, and suppression of gifts.

Feelings of constraint in your current role mark the start of work performance challenges taking root. This also signals you’ve given up your right to flourish in a domain only assigned to you – to fully occupy – in this moment. Understand at this crossroad, your vision of the current role is compromised. Being unable to see beyond the struggle, into its hidden opportunity for growth, requires a shift in perspective.

The uncommon, deeper contributions and imprint you’re to make on Earth are locked within the current work performance challenge you’re facing.

Cultivating positional dominion within the very workplace atmosphere and role you feel constrained by is the first step toward establishing a fresh path of success.

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