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The Case for Knowledge Graphs in Personal AI Agents

Partnering with OriginTrail to Build Personal Knowledge Graphs

Welcome to the future—where AI isn't just a tool; it's an extension of your digital self. The rise of AI has brought new possibilities, especially with LLMs. These models have powered AI agents that are transforming our interactions with digital systems, making them smarter, more intuitive, and undeniably convenient especially handling complex onchain jargons. But with great power comes great responsibility—or at least, it should. Enter the need for self-sovereign knowledge graphs for trust-minimized AI agents.

Why We Need Trust-Minimized AI Agents

AI agents are quickly becoming digital extensions of ourselves, performing tasks on our behalf—whether that's managing reservations, executing on-chain transactions, or simply engaging in a friendly chat. These agents, acting as assistants and companions, are not just tools; they're shaping our decisions, habits, and even social circles. But here’s the kicker—most of these AI agents operate as "black boxes." We don’t know how they process our data, what biases they might harbor, or whose agenda they might be pushing.

At Datalatte, we say enough is enough. We're championing AI that isn't just powerful but also transparent, sovereign, and fully controlled by YOU. Trust-minimized systems for AI agents are the key. These systems put you back in the driver’s seat, ensuring that your AI and your data are yours to own, control and even monetize.

The Three Pillars of Trust-Minimized AI Agents: Software, Hardware, and Data

To create a truly trust-minimized system for AI agents, we need to break it down into three essential components: Software, hardware, and data. Each plays a crucial role in ensuring that your AI operates transparently, privacy-preserving, and in a manner that you fully control.

1. Software: Open-Source LLM Model

Let’s start with the software. For AI agents to serve you without hidden agendas, they need to run on open-source LLM Models. Closed-source models are like magicians who never reveal their tricks—you’re left to trust that nothing shady is happening behind the scenes. But with open-source LLM, the model weights are fully transparent, laid bare for everyone to see, inspect, and fine-tune. No tricks, just transparency.

2. Hardware: Trusted and Secure

Next up is hardware. Your AI needs to operate in a trusted hardware environment, whether that’s your own device or a distributed computing platform. Technologies like Trusted Execution Environments (TEE), Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZK), and Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) are the backbone of a hardware setup you can trust. These ensure that even as your AI performs complex tasks, the operations and computations on your data remains secure, private, and tamper-proof.

3. Data: Sovereign and Controlled by You

But here’s where Datalatte truly shines—data. While software and hardware are critical, the data layer is where your sovereignty truly takes shape. Your personal data fuels these AI agents, enabling them to perform tasks and make decisions on your behalf. At Datalatte, our focus is on ensuring that this data is entirely under your control. We build systems that give you full ownership of your data, with the ability to control access, ensure privacy, and even monetize your data if you choose.

We’re building a dataDAO where your data is yours to milk for all it’s worth. Our trust-minimized approach to data ensures any operations on your data is done with your consent and privacy in mind, while maximizing the value creations for you.

Why Knowledge Graphs Are the Future of Data Models

Here’s where it gets really interesting. To make AI truly personal and trust-minimized, we need to harness the power of Knowledge Graphs (KGs). These graphs structure your data in a way that AI agents can understand and utilize to provide more accurate, context-aware, and personalized interactions. Unlike traditional AI models that rely solely on neural embeddings, KGs bring a symbolic AI approach to the table, enhancing the AI’s ability to reason, adapt, and serve you better.

Think of KGs as the soul behind your AI agent. They help the agent know who you are, what you like, and how to make your digital interactions feel genuinely human. Plus, KGs support continuous learning, meaning your AI gets smarter over time, always keeping up with your evolving needs.

Partnering with OriginTrail: A Match Made in Data Democratization Heaven

To turn this vision into reality, we've teamed up with OriginTrail, a leader in decentralized knowledge graphs. OriginTrail's Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) network allows us to store the public part of your personal knowledge graph, on a secure, public knowledge graph. This ensures that your data is verifiable and under your control, while showing the value of the private knowledge graph without revealing too much about you.

The private parts of your knowledge graph, where sensitive information lives, remain under your full control within our node. You decide who gets access, and you can even monetize this data if you choose. It’s about time you started earning from your data instead of giving it away for free.

Launching the Datalatte dataDAO

We’re putting all these pieces together in the Datalatte dataDAO, which we're launching as a Farcaster frame. By joining our dataDAO, you start building your personal knowledge graph while populating it with data that’s yours to control.

Your cast history, for example, enters a knowledge extraction pipeline where it’s analyzed and structured into your personal knowledge graph. But remember, while your cast history is public, the insights we extract from it don’t have to be. They stay with you, private, unless you choose to share and monetize them with your consent.

The public part of your personal knowledge graph, stored as a knowledge asset on the DKG, showcases the platforms you’ve connected and even features a personalized dataBarista character generated based on your persona. The private part? That’s yours to guard, share, or monetize as you see fit.

Example of a dataBarista generated from users digital footprint on Farcaster and public attributes and features stored in a public knowledge asset.

The Future Is Yours to Build

With Datalatte and OriginTrail, the future of AI isn’t just about smarter agents; it’s about smarter ownership. By building a personal knowledge graph within a semantic, dataDAO-owned data layer, we’re giving you the tools to control your data, empower your AI, and milk your data for everything it’s worth.

Ready to see the personal knowledge graphs and dataBaristas others have created? Check dataBaristas out on Opensea while knowledge assets are on OriginTrail writing to Base.

Join us in this rebellion against the black box AI. Your data is powerful—make sure it works for you. Milk your data, Own your AI!

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