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The Reasons For Blogging - Issue 56

The why behind why I write and what I hope to achieve

There are always so many things on my mind and because of that I want to write about them all and share my thoughts. That's just impossible, I can't get round to that on Twitter or even find time to get everything off of my mind in Spaces. And some of it genuinely has to be rubbish, there is so much! However, a lot of it is useful. I have some knowledge, I am fairly analytical, I have a lot of people experience and I like sharing! Oh, and this one is free to collect, just hit the collect button!

View of some Lancashire countryside from a hill near Bury.

My Blog is representative of me. You can scan through previous issues (not all of them, not yet - I need to upload about 20... anyways... one day, along with many other things!), and you can find anything from personal thoughts, analysis, projects I am involved in, things I find interesting, events I have been too and more. The personal feel and aspect is very much by design and wraps into how I want to build.

For me it pays off in your engagement. Not all of you purchase these blogs, but a lot of people open them (and I am completely OK with this, because I view it a little bit like an if you want Patreon, I try not to pressure and appreciate those that do support). I have nearly 400 subscribers and a 40% all time email open rate. Thanks to Paragraph I am getting additional views from their platform, because I am very often placed in their trending section.

I get a decent amount of support on Twitter for my posts in regards to my Blog and I am hopeful that over time that will carry through to Spotify. #BlogCasts are back on the agenda and I am restarting from Issue 53. I appreciate the support you offer, it means a huge amount and I hope you continue to find value in my 'ramblings'.

One of my main aims with this blog is that I want you to feel like I am having a conversation with you, in an ideal world you hear my voice as you read this. The main reason, I hope this style continues to build on the personal connection we already have. In a world where anyone can be anyone, I believe in being genuine.

Last weekend involved some van life, moving stuff and a lot of travel time.

There are questions attached to the above and feel free to leave any I don't answer in the comments at the bottom! How much is too much is a big one! Why don't I share or 'promote' more? Where is this blog in 5 years could be another one. I will answer those specific questions (not that anyone's asked!) and likely some more. I also want to talk about what else I see happening from this. And explain how much work it is if I have room, before you commit to releasing regular weekly content!

How much is too much when it comes to talking about emotions, feelings, the past and other things? I think only the individual writing will ever truly know the answer to that. I want to share things that are relevant to how I am feeling or where I am at. Writing about them helps me work through thoughts and express some of the emotion and feelings I am having. I am one for getting them out there, because they fester if I leave them as internal feelings. I would rather have the conversation than grow resentment, where possible.

I use this blog a bit like a journal. It tells my story of where I am at or what I want to share. It is the moments and things that have been impactful to me as an individual. For one reason or another. They may not all of happened in the week I am writing but they will be relevant to what I am writing about, at least from my perspective.

Why don't I use this Blog to promote things? I do, to a point, but never as a hard sell. I don't want you to feel like the only purpose of this blog is to get you to spend money. I want you to read my blogs because you find them insightful or even entertaining. That they offer you a little escapism and hopefully a little information too. If I am 'promoting' something (or writing about something), like FCancer for example, then I am doing it because it is important to me, my feelings and where I am at in my journey.

I have no doubt I will spend more time talking abut Jay and The Squibbles for example. For a few reasons but mainly because I am due to look after Crocheted Colin (see a short video from the latest stop of his Worldwide Tour above), I help Jay out and am invested in supporting the brand build and the end goals of that business. I will want to share the moments in that journey, where I can and let you know the feelings associated with those moments. And one day, it will be a global brand, at least I believe it will.

Where do I see this in 5 years? Good question (whoever thought of that)! I didn't expect it to be this big just a year after I started writing it. I had simple goals like get to 100 subscribers, maintain an open rate, convert 1% of my Twitter followers (knowing a lot are inactive) into subscribers and explore poetry and photography in my way. To write limericks in a different style, thoughtful rather than amusing.

This is one of those thoughtful limericks. A short form style of poetry - you can find it on OpenSea.

I smashed those goals. Far earlier than I thought. I currently have 1.22% of my Twitter followers subscribed and I would love to get that to 2% and maintain that. I would like 1,000 subscribers but who wouldn't (apart from those already there!). If I was to extrapolate my growth you could expect around 2,000 subscribers in 5 years. But that's far too specific and also something I see as a by product more than a long term aim.

My bigger aims are solidifying my relationships, continuing to be genuine and using the platform I have built to share things that help me. I have struggled in the past, more than I realised at the time. If some of the mindfulness and wellbeing things I share help someone else, that's amazing and a huge win. Vulnerability can be a huge strength, if you use it the right way.

There are targets alongside this as well. I really want to get to 400 subscribers, and maintain it. Even if some are family or second accounts! I want to maintain a 33% email open rate longer term, I want to link back to others to support things I am passionate about and I want to use this blog to hold me accountable to my values. I would love to do more, explore opportunities and potentials but every idea takes time, and there are too many ideas that I haven't delivered on yet.

All of the above takes time, energy and a little bit of money. If I am valuing my time at the same as my work do, then a lot of money! And that's before the content creation commitment. It takes a lot of time to write a blog that takes 5-10 mins to read. It takes a minimum of 60-90 mins to write, then I have to read it and edit it. Once that is done, I then need to do the reading again to make sure it is still a cohesive piece of writing that makes sense.

Then there is the final edit. 3 read throughs and normally it's still not perfect. There are very often grammatical and spelling errors. Copy writing for yourself is not the easiest task. My brain jumps because it knows what is coming next! I also have to find appropriate images, Tweets (not calling them Xeets, not today, not tomorrow and probably not ever) or articles.

I have learnt and improved a huge amount of skills since I have been writing my blog, my written communication being one of them, certainly in regards to how I want to put my content in. Maybe a dive into those skills is due... One last thing, for all my brain shoots out ideas non stop, it is easy to find yourself looking at a blank screen. Content creation is not easy.

The point of this, the final part of todays blog isn't for anything other than to help you understand how big a commitment writing a weekly blog or news letter is. Just in case you decide to make a similar commitment. I wouldn't change my journey to this point, it's been too enjoyable. I will keep writing (and BlogCasting) weekly and maybe some of those other ideas grow into something more than an idea. We shall see.

Long term do I have the foundations for a Web3 biography here, very possibly. And never say never right. I enjoy writing and expressing, I find solace and peace with myself when I do it. If you find value too (however you find it), then that's a huge win for me. As well as this issue, Issue 1 (above) is free to collect too.

Thank you for reading todays issue. Issue 56. Where does the time go, and I need to remember to promote this blog sometimes too. Otherwise I will never get to 400 subscribers! Have an awesome week and I will catch you next Friday.

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