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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #110

  1. Token gating to channel coming soon: /degentokenbase was recently launched as the de facto $DEGEN and Degen L3 channel. Soon token gating and other rules will be coming to the channel as the team experiments on the correct parameters. @notabot will be used which will enforce the parameters such as needing a certain balance of $DEGEN to post. @notabot will also offer support for the Degen L3.

  2. Top Tippers of the Day: Tipping $DEGEN has slowed. The team is thinking about ways to reflect how often somebody is tipping in the new algorithm for allowance. It's also important to highlight top tippers. According to @tybb a bot to track tipping, @degentip was the top tipper in the last 24 hours with 132 casts with tips given out.

  3. See you new allowance: Yesterday it was announced that a new tipping algorithm is coming in June. Today, thanks to @pichi, you can preview what your new allowance will be. Type your name into this Dune dashboard and see what your allowance will be for the month of June. It's just a preview so may not be exact, but still a great resource.

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