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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #53

  1. Happy Claim Day!: Airdrop 2 Season 2 occurred today. Claim here if you haven't already. In 20 minutes over 65% of the allocation was claimed. Over 4,800 users received $500 or more. Thanks to @sidshekhar for the data, if you don't already highly recommend the follow for great data. @aleph also hits us with some great data about tipping. Season 3 will have ~0.375x from last month for the same behavior. Naturally each season decreases a bit in power. Season 3 has begun, happy tipping!

  2. See your Top 10 tippers: Great frame by @superlouis.eth to see who your top 10 tippers for this Season were. Reciprocate the tips and reward your top tippers in interesting ways. Have already seen some unique ideas!

  3. L3 Stats Update: In 48h hours there have been 3.9M+ transactions, $10M+ bridged, 116K wallets, 490+ tokens launched. Insane growth. Much more to come. View real time data here.

  4. Powerbald Launch: Powerbald by @lotteryPGF was a hit frame when released on Warpcast. Today they officially launched on Degen chain. All that is required is for you to like and recast the post and hold 1K $DEGEN on the Degan chain. It's a 100K $DEGEN (~$3,500) jackpot. Expect to see more launch announcements over the next few weeks!

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