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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #70

  1. Highlight $DEGEN mint: @highlight enabled minting with $DEGEN. Now any creator can mint an NFT through highlight and accept $DEGEN as the payment method. There are some great creators like @sum and @cana.eth already accepting $DEGEN for NFTs.

  2. Another in Frame Game: Today we get another incredible in-frame game by @breadcat. High Noon is a game where you can bet 250 $DEGEN and get to roll dice to "shoot" the outlaw. If you beat the outlaw you win 450 $DEGEN. @breadcat added a really cool twist where if you lose, 100 $DEGEN are burned. The remaining 150 $DEGEN gets added to the prize pool to reward winners. Interact with the frame here to learn more and play the game.

  3. Learn to Stake on Aerodrome: Many Degen holders have utilized the services of @aerodrome to earn $DEGEN and other rewards. It's a bit complex for some. Today we get a great frame from @sgniwder that explains how to put your $DEGEN to work on Aerodrome.

  4. Be careful out there: Have been seen more malicious links and hearing from people across the crypto industry of having funds lost due to clicking malicious links or interacting with scam applications. It's always better to be late and take your time when interacting with things. Move slow and if you have a bit of suspicion that something is off don't interact.

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