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🎩 Daily $DEGEN 🎩

Newsletter #90

  1. Degen DAO Props: The Degen DAO has approximately $2M in assets. They have funded a handful of projects like @bracketgame and recently did an OTC token swap with /proxyswap. As @brykayne casted, they are allows looking for projects to fund. Write a proposal in /haberdash-props to apply. Also follow the /degendao channel for updates on the DAO.

  2. Another Prediction game for $DEGEN: Cast Tickets by @benbassler.eth launched last week. Today Ben announced there will be a $DEGEN prize pool. Cast Tickets is a cast action that allows users to buy and sell casts. Each time a cast is bought the cost gets added to the prize pool. Ticket holders of the most-liked cast get the prize pool. You can learn more about the project and game mechanics in this frame. Collect the post and join /tiser to earn free tickets.

  3. DEGEN Chain Live on Boost: @boostxyz allows people to incentive users to do things onchain. DEGEN holders can now incentivize users to mint, swap or bridge via Boost. Visit this frame to learn more.

  4. DEGEN Dollar Bounty: The @floc.eth had a heavy presence of Degen merch and collectibles at FarCon. The Degen Dollar was a big hit. Today, they hid a stack of the Degen Dollar's somewhere in Venice, CA and posted a bounty on POIDH for 11K $DEGEN (~$220). A few hours later, @iz was the winner of the DEGEN hunt.

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