Announcing that Discove is a16z Crypto Startup School participant

For the last four months, I’ve been obsessed with Farcaster.

The success of a Decentralized Social Protocol would free the world to innovate in Social again, and I’m here for that.

Through social, people find community, careers, and even the latest thing to be angry about. Fixing Social Matters.

I’ve been building Discove solo for the last four months, putting all my energy and time into making the best way to explore and participate in Farcaster.

Today, I’m excited to announce that Discove will be participating in a16z Crypto Startup School.

This initial funding and support will help me realize the best version of Discove and hopefully also contribute to Farcaster's growth.

Discove is hiring a senior react-native engineer and a senior backend engineer to join me on this adventure, and referrals or shares are appreciated 💜

David from Discove

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