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Why blockchain game?

Why blockchain game?

Why blockchain game?

Why blockchain game? Why should games be on the blockchain? This is the most fundamental question.

The answer is to enjoy playing with your own unique and precious assets.

Blockchain technology allows us to own digital data for the first time, as detailed by Chris Dixon, a partner at a16z, in his concept of "ReadWriteOwn."

Think back to your first rare Pokémon card, or the Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic: The Gathering cards you used to play with. The rare card you obtained was a treasure for you. Maybe you have received cards from close friends. Winning duels with your cherished cards brought the utmost joy. You might even have earned limited-edition cards from tournaments.

In essence, the fun comes from breeding and battling with assets you genuinely own and acquiring new ones.

Why Not Web2 Games?

Let's also consider Web2 games.

Web2 card games, like Hearthstone, introduced the joy of playing with people worldwide. However, unlike physical card games, the cards you own in Web2 games are fungible. These data cannot be distinguished. There’s no unique attachment to a unique character.

This leads to the rise of eSports under equal conditions.

Blockchain games combine the advantages of Web2 and physical card games. They allow safe, global card exchanges and battles worldwide.

Why Onchain Games?

We are developing Onchain games.

Currently, most blockchain games are Offchain games, which blend Offchain and Onchain elements. The game logic typically runs on centralized servers.

In contrast, Onchain games feature game logic embedded in smart contracts, with the entire game running on the blockchain.

Think of it like the relationship between CeFi and DeFi.

We see two main security issues with Offchain games:

  1. Do users truly own their game assets?

If game assets are Offchain or even if they are Onchain, can be transferred by the game operators, then users don’t truly own their game assets. Imagine if your precious Pokémon card could be transferred by the operators suddenly. That shouldn’t happen.

  1. Can the game be hacked?

Many Offchain games adopt Play2Earn, where new assets are earned based on game results. While earning assets through play is not bad, the concern is whether the game logic or results on Offchain can be hacked.

If a malicious operator within the core team could update results to award millions in tokens to non-playing users, or if the server is hacked, it’s essentially the same risk as incidents often seen in CeFi. Offchain games carry potential risks.

These reasons drive us to develop Onchain games.

The Future of Blockchain Games

We acknowledge that Onchain games currently have poor UX.

However, the DeFi boom starting around 2020 encourages us. Users can enjoy financial services while maintaining self-custody with Onchain.

We also have solutions to improve the UX of Onchain games. This will safely lead blockchain games to mass adoption. We will discuss the details in our next article.

We are ready to realize the vision of enjoying games with your own unique and precious assets.

If you're interested, follow us on X and stay tuned for our next announcement.


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