Eddie's Learning Record 23

1. Duration

Monday, November 7th, 2022 - Saturday, November 12th, 2022

2. Learning Record

2.1 Give a Pitch to My Junior Fellow

I supposed him to be a professor of deep learning, but he turned out to be a rookie. He even didn't finish the machine learning course.

Luckily, he is interested in the project and agreed to write reports every week.

2.2 Apply Vision Transformer Using TensorFlow

2.2.1 Refactoring

As the d2l vision transformer program file uses PyTorch, I had first to achieve all functions using TensorFlow. At this stage, I encountered a problem. The batch_size in TensorFlow is dynamic and when I use the command to get the batch_size it always returns a None, which raises an error. I fixed it by using tf.config.run_functions_eagerly(True).

2.2.2 Apply Vision Transformer on Autism Dataset

The code worked but the result was as terrible as shit. The loss and accuracy didn't change no matter how many epochs I set.

3. Feeling

3.1 Proud

I had achieved applied the vision transformer using TensorFlow. Seeing hundreds of lines of code I wrote, I felt proud.

3.2 Vexed

When doing a classification task on the Autism Dataset, I got shit!

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