Eddie's Learning Record 34

1. Duration

Monday, February 13th, 2023 - Saturday, February 18th, 2023

2. Learning Records

2.1 Reinstalled CUDA

All of a sudden, the CUDA on my laptop died. I spent a day debugging and reinstalling the drivers and CUDA.

2.2 Wrote the Patent Document

I spent two days writing the document. I found it an excellent way to review my work.

2.3 Building

I built the function for the ablation study of p.

2.4 Fixing

Fixed the rename error in SAMM Long Videos dataset. The sequence number of the last picture in the016_7 folder is 1000. But the original cropping function renames it 0000.jpg which makes it the first picture. Consequently, the image sequence is totally wrong.

Luckily, I found this error and fixed all the naming problem.

2.5 Started to Do Experiments on the SAMM Long Videos Dataset

I started to do the features processing on the SAMM Long Videos Dataset.

2.6 Fixed the Jupyter Error

I upgraded the jupyter packages on the Linux server. But when I start the training, close the remote desktop connection, and reconnect, I always encounter the problem of reconnecting to the kernel. And the restart function is also not available.

I am sure the new jupyter packages caused the problem. As a consequence, I downgraded the packages and then everything was back to normal.

This stupid problem wasted me more than two days.

2.7 Start to Write the Paper

Maybe it was not writing, it was replicating.

3. Feelings


The clock is ticking and I am worried that I could not publish my paper on time.

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