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Build Onchain Wealth: Discover Emerald

Give your money a place to grow

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Have you ever found yourself starting at your wallet thinking, “What am I supposed to do now?”. Well, you’re not alone.

This very question, has led many to spend countless hours scrolling on Twitter and Telegram groups, and hunting on DeFi Llama, only to realize that it’s just too hard and frustrating to get your onchain money to work for you.

Emerald focuses on the basics - finding yield opportunities just for you without all the hassle. Our goal is to get you into the best onchain position possible for you, in 5 clicks or less.

To do that, Emerald seamlessly integrates chains, protocols, and tokens into a single interface that allows you to explore and capitalize on the most lucrative onchain opportunities available.

TLDR: We’re helping you make money and here’s how we’re doing it:

1) Visit and enter your ethereum address or ENS name

2) Discover your personalized onchain recommendations

Emerald approaches your assets a bit differently. We believe in treating your assets equally, so whether you’re holding USDC on Base, USDC.e, aUSDC, or USDC deposited in a vault, it’s all categorized under a single USDC recommendation.

There, you can see how much you’re currently earning from your positions, and how much you could earn by taking Emerald’s recommendation. If you want to see more detail on your current holdings, then you can click on “View Asset Breakdown”, then when you’re ready to start earning more, you can “Take Action”.

3) Act on a recommendation

Emerald simplifies the process of moving your funds into a new position, regardless of the chain or type of positions involved. For instance, you can easily move USDC on Ethereum to a USDC Aave position on Polygon in a single step.

Without ever leaving the app, you can shift your funds into the optimal onchain position within seconds.

4) Earn more from your positions

It's that easy to start making more money onchain!

To dive deeper into Emerald, visit Our team is looking for feedback and you can come chat with us on Farcaster.

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