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Welcoming Gregory Rocco and Christian St. Louis to Ethereal Ventures

We’re happy to announce that we've added two new members to the Ethereal Ventures team: Gregory Rocco and Christian St. Louis.

Rocco has joined us as Head of Portfolio, where he will work closely with our founders and provide them with customized support based on their organizations' stage. Previously, he co-founded SpruceID, working on decentralized identity and data, and co-authored standards such as Sign-In with Ethereum. Before that, he led product for an identity team at ConsenSys.

Christian has joined us as a Data Scientist, where he will be building out Ethereal’s data pipelines and internal capabilities. Previously, he was a founder at Component building an on-chain analytics platform, and before that, he ran the sales engineering function at StackAdapt.

Both Rocco and Christian are former startup founders who continue to be passionate about building a more decentralized future in which sovereignty, freedom, and access are at the forefront of all digital interactions.

We are excited to have them here at Ethereal Ventures.


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