Mantle Moonshot Campaign

Don't give it a Miss! (Thread)

Unpopular opinion - Not everyone gets a shot to the Moon

@MantleJourney - Let's change that

Catchy enough!

Maybe not but what matters is 👇🏿

An extension of the Mantle Journey, @0xMantle has launched 4 week-long missions

Let's get started



#MantleMoonshot journey

- Brings more engagement to both Mantle & eight curated Moonshot Protocols

- Opens up future utilities to the Citizens of Mantle NFTs

- For users, a shot at 19,000 Citizens of Mantle NFT add-on traits plus,

Protocol Token Reward Pools



Mantle Journey Refresher

> Indexes your activities and interactions on Mantle Network, both on-chain and off-chain and converts them into journey miles

> Miles will unlock numerous benefits in the Mantle Ecosystem

> More Miles -> More Rewards


Back to the #MantleMoonshot journey

- Protocols: 8

- Duration: 4 Weeks

- Timeline: 30 Nov 23 to 11 Jan 24

- Tasks: Via @Galxe

Activities such as trading, staking, deposits & social media engagements

- Rewards: Mystery Box + Protocol Token Rewards




• Missing the deadline means no access/eligibility for the mystery box

• Log in to Galxe using the same wallet linked to your MJSBT

• Each CoM NFT character can only be upgraded once

• Upgrading the same NFT character multiple times removes the previous upgrade



- Bridge/Deposit to Mantle

- Mint Your MJSBT

Using this link will give you 100 MJ Miles



Get started with #MantleMoonshot journey

- Complete Protocol Quests

- Claim Mystery Box

- Check if you have won an add-on trait

- Upgrade CoM NFT using the traits

If luck doesn't bring you an add-on trait, fret not!

You'll still rack up MJ Miles



• Snapshot Date: 01 Feb 24

• Snapshot captures upgraded CoM NFT holders with won add-on traits

• Claim Protocol Rewards

Recipients of Moonshot Protocol token rewards will be processed within 14 working days



Week 1 Quests (30 Nov - 7 Dec)


Add-On Trait: Dinosaur Helmet

Avl Traits: 3,000

Token Reward Pool: 1M $KTC


• Add-On Trait: Baseball Helmet

• Avl Traits: 5,000

• Token Reward Pool: 3M $rAGNI



@KTX_finance tasks

• Trade with a min leverage vol of $10,000

• Stake 100 $KTC for at least 4 days

• Deposit $100 into $KLP & hold for 4 days

• Refer 2 friends who trade with a min volume of $1,000

• Social tasks

For fee discounts use-


@Agnidex mystery box tasks

• Swap exceeding a total value of 1,000 $MNT

• Add liquidity with any available tokens and hold for a minimum of 3 days

• Social tasks

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