Your weekly EVMavericks catch-up: highlights of the week!!

Octant's allocation window has ended and we have received a total of 8.271E! Big shoutout to bbroad for leading this initiative.
Weekly Doots produces another episode of Doots - #84 - featuring superphiz and waq
696 reshares 'Top Achievements of EVMavericks in 2023'
Farmers are disappointed about scroll airdrop. Other farms are discussed (alpha 👀).
Rickbot (shows token info) is live for our memecoin enjoyers! Etheraider shares a long term play. Memecoin winners occasionally share their PnLs and we love celebrating Ws! 696 shares pumpfun stats. And, of course, here are some of our top plays of the week.
dray11 starts a good conversation about dropping a derivative NFT on an L2. share your thoughts in #the-den
696 asks aethernet (AI on farcaster) about EVMavericks and gets a lovely response.
L0 chat is still active even though the game has been over for months.
For all the details, visit EVMavericks' discord directly!
Lastly, your weekly security reminder: here are a few guides!
EVMavericks discord has a security channel. You can literally mute everything else but that channel and only get notifications from there.

Reminder for all the folks: we have a daily-discussion channel in the discord that's open to public and there's a decent amount of activity there!

Subscribe and see you next Monday!
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