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Get to know EVMavericks #2 - heeey aka EVM 685

heeey aka EVM 685. Let's get to know them!

Hi, what do you go by and what's your EVMavericks #?

Hey, online I go by heeey and my EVM is #685.

Nice to meet you heeey! who or what got you into crypto?

Although I had used Bitcoin a little as "internet money" before, I got really interested in crypto in 2015. At that time, I wanted to understand how Bitcoin worked so a friend explained it to me a little and at the end of the chat, he said "but you know, there's this other thing, which is going to be so much more interesting, coming out next month called Ethereum and I think you should check it out".

Sounds like you were pretty early on to the party. And when it comes to EVMavericks, how and when did you find your way into the community?

The potential for a decentralised internet got me hooked up from day 1. I was an early lurker of r/ethereum and r/ethtrader, read everything, commented just occasionally, tried every new DApp that came out... At some point I created a new reddit account and started fresh as u/heyheeyheeey and got a lot more involved in the community since then.

How has your stay been in EVMavericks so far? any best memories that stick out?

As far as a memory that sticks out, I was humbled to see that the community saw in me someone trustworthy enough to be one of the multi-sig signers. That's something I'll be able to brag about to my grandkids one day.

Sounds like you'll have great stories for grand kids for sure. What are you up to in crypto nowadays? any projects you are working on?

All my life, art has been one of my passions. Imagine how I felt when 4 years ago I discovered art + technology could go hand by hand. I never looked back. I have been doing algorithmic art on the blockchain since then. It's interesting that although I still root for decentralisation, my day to day has become so much more focused on art. And what I mean by this is that the Ethereum blockchain has enabled all these uses and niches that it's no longer only about blockchain but everything else.

Do you have an example of your art on the Ethereum blockchain that you want so share? Maybe a particular piece or a favorite collection?

Definitely! As a matter of fact, my blockchain art journey started with me crafting art around blockchain data viz. One of my earliest artworks, Proposers was the first (and only?) artwork using beacon chain data to create visuals by assigning a simple visual token to each of the first Ethereum Beacon Chain proposer addresses.


This was in June 2021 before the merge so data had to be scraped for it to work and online we only have the images.

Probably the artwork I'm most proud of, would be Bright which released on Artblocks in 2023 and gave me the boost of confidence to keep doing art full time. It's an art system where I explored the connection between color and light.

Bright #171

Looks lovely! Lets switch it up for a sec, what is your fav hobby or way to spend time outside of crypto?

Outside of crypto, I spend time with my wife and 2 kids who are 3 & 6 and that leaves little time for much else haha. Probably, my biggest passion is food. I love gastronomy, everything from farmer's market seasonal ingredients to fine dining.

Sounds like someone is a foodie. I'm sure that helps to sweeten the sour times of the bear market. Speaking of bear markets, do you have any advice to newer folks on how to survive through tough times?

Everyone's path is so personal that it's hard to give advice. The first bear is always the hardest for everyone as you see your magic internet money slowly disappear, and it's something nobody's used to. So far, it's always re-appeared. First rule has always been to "never invest more than you can afford to lose". One rule I try to follow so that I don't fall to much into FOMO and despair is "stick to your principles and don't go away from the plan". Specifically for tough times, "don't look at price".

That's a solid advice. Lastly, is there anything else you wanna share? heeey, the floor is yours!

Lately, I've been felling a bit gloom about the future of crypto. And again, this all comes from personal experience. as I mentioned at the beginning of the chat, when I entered the space in 2015, Bitcoin as money had died a few months earlier when the Mt. Gox hack bear started. I was able to experience 2 years free from most speculation (at least at todays levels) where what mattered the most was what DApps were being built and what usecases could be possible. I was SO excited for the DAO. Ethereum was going to finally surpass Bitcoin in marketcap in early 2017, flatten the path to widespread recognition and never look back. The innovation was there. And is still there. But the market and its participants are a bunch of [redacted] twats. And often this murkies the waters so much.

Make sure to check out heeey's art website!

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