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Get to know EVMavericks #10 - titey aka EVM 1043

Get to know EVMavericks #10 - titey aka EVM 1043!

EVMavericks 🦁

EVMavericks 🦁

Hi, what do you go by and what is your EVMavericks #?

Yo, I am EVM #1043 and I go by titey or titus.

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When and how did you get into crypto?

I got into crypto when Bitcoin originally spiked to $1K following a US congressional hearing in November 2013. My co-worker was tweeting about it and right away I knew it was something special. My wife's family is from overseas and I understood the challenges they had both transferring money internationally and securing their assets during times of conflict. I was buying Bitcoin through Coinbase and Circle for the next few years before learning about Ethereum. The ability to use applications on top of the blockchain and the promise of proof of stake caused me begin investing in 2016.

How did you get into EVMavericks?

I am the proud recipient of my EVM from the raffle that happened during the launch. I was a heavy lurker of r/ethfinance. I do not post regularly (or at all) but love to read and learn from others. I was not apart of an NFT community yet so I was really happy to be welcomed into the EVMavericks.

How has your stay been in crypto and EVMavericks? any fond memories that you wanna share?

I feel at home within the Ethereum community as it aligns most with my values and what I want the world to be in the future. Through EVMavericks, I have found a place where I can be more comfortable posting my questions and thoughts and it has led to more meaningful interactions than what I could get on other platforms. My fondest memory was being invited to stay at the RocketPool community house for ETHDenver and going skiing afterwards with @The-A-word and @austonst. I have received a ton of help from members with my validator and it makes me feel good to be able to support creator's within the community like @heeey, @TheBenMeadows, @NaeNaeBaby_ETH, @doomfuzz_eth, and others.

What content do you usually like to read and learn about? Any favorite topics or anything goes?

My passion lies in data engineering and analytics. I spend a lot of time on @Dune just looking through dashboards and studying others query structures and methods for calculating metrics (boring right?). I listen to The Daily Gwei and Bankless on a daily basis to keep up with what is new in the space. Outside of crypto, I read a lot about fantasy football and sports betting. I am the reigning champion of the EVMavericks fantasy football league and looking to repeat.

Not boring at all! can you tell us more about dashboards and dune? What catches your interest? Maybe some tips for people who are curious about that too and looking get into studying the same structures, where would they start? Or anything else that you feel like sharing from that!

My day job is data analytics so it is my way of contributing to the community. I love the availability of blockchain data and how it can be used to verify truth from fiction. Dune makes is so easy to get started. You can easily view others queries and they have a lot of AI tools to help you find relevant data. SQL is such an easy programming language to learn even if you do not know any other programming.

How does it feel to be the reigning champion and how did it feel to win? was the competition tough or were you ahead of all by a long mile?

I feel like 80% of fantasy football is luck so really I just got lucky. It takes a lot of work navigating injuries, studying matchups, and knowing which players to drop or add to your team as the season progresses. I was leading the majority of the season, but I had a pretty bad week in the championship and was just lucky enough that my opponent had worse.

Let's switch gears, how do you usually spend time outside of crypto? what are your hobbies?

I have a ton of hobbies outside of crypto. Most recently I have been learning to golf (the hardest sport I've ever played). I have always loved watching sports, football and basketball. I like to attend rock concerts, most recently Cage the Elephant and Slipknot. I also have developed an obsession for jigsaw puzzles. Mostly, I enjoy anything that keeps my mind busy or is outside in the fresh air.

Any alpha or advice that you can give us? It can be anything.

My best advice to people is to get out there and actually try the things you are hearing about. Experience is the best way to learn and the only way you can have a valid opinion. I have not been successful with everything I've done in crypto, but each thing has been a learning experience that puts me one step ahead of someone who has just heard about it.

Lastly, is there anything else you wanna share with us, titey? The stage is yours

Just want to say that the people I've interacted with in crypto have been some of the smartest, most friendly and interesting people I have ever interacted with. I know WAGMI and from the bottom of my heart think together we will make the world a better place. Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me.

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Get to know EVMavericks #10 - titey aka EVM 1043