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Get to know EVMavericks #6 - whatthefuck.eth aka EVM 658

Get to know EVMavericks #6 - whatthefuck.eth aka EVM 658

Hi, what do you go by and what is your EVMavericks #?

Hi, 696! Although, I had a few crypto names in the past, the one that really stuck with me, and the one I use for a few years now, is whatthefuck.eth. Very proud I managed to grab this ENS to be honest. My EVMav is #658 and is currently chilling in my cold wallet along with other cool web3 things.

When and how did you get into crypto?

Probably not as early as other EVMavs. I started reading about crypto and getting interested in the tech around the summer of 2017 but I actually made my first purchase around the end of 2017, near the top of that bull cycle. The bear that followed didn't really discourage me at all. I kept investing and got into exploring the ecosystem more and more as time went by. Probably the reason that I got into crypto is similar to others, partly the realization of how disruptive this tech can be (and will be), and also the investing perspective which was always attractive to me.

How did you get into EVMavericks?

I followed the usual route through Reddit. First during the r/ethtrader times and then the switch to r/ethfinance. I still remember some of the drama and how the r/ethfinance folks clicked to me as super smart and helpful people that wanted to create a cool internet corner. I got involved in r/ethfinance more and more with posts and replies and eventually got "airdropped" my EVMav as a contributor to the subreddit.

How has your stay been in EVMavericks? Any favorite memories?

Needless to say, the EVMavs group has been my internet home since the start of the discord. I get to hang out with people that I enjoy talking to, appreciate their perspectives, and are always willing to help for anything web3. As far as memories go, there's so many good ones to mention. The early degen-chat days where we dealt with lots of NFT mints and alpha. Chad NFTs, anyone? The Layer Zero game which was fun, if it wasn't for Rugsby. The chad-fund efforts which I'd love to revive at some point. The merge Pixel Party where we drew our EVMav logo on the canvas and had so much fun during the voice chat. The colonoscopy day POAPs! And last but not least, shoutout to HashtagFuzzMaster for giving one of his ducklings the name whattheduck. Pretty bad ass duckling! Here's a picture!

Earlier you said this tech can be really disruptive, what excites you the most about the space nowadays? And how do you usually spend your time in crypto?

I still get amazed by the fact that you can own and have full control, in a verifiable way, of assets or anything that can be tokenized really, and not have to worry about centralized entities. It does come with great responsibility of course. I think blockchain tech can and will disrupt many sectors eventually. One of the concepts and use cases that excites me a lot is the ability to own your digital identity and the development of social layer infrastructure. Definitely excited to see how this all plays out at the end and how it gets adopted. Now, on what I mostly do nowadays, I mostly trade lots of memes and have fun with the whole thing. On one side, I'd like to make profitable trades of course, but it also helps me discover little corners of the internet where people gather under one meme and really have fun with it. The internet and its culture can be a fairly amazing place.

The internet can be really an amazing place indeed. It sounds like you have been pretty active even during the bear times, what's the motivation behind it or, in other words, what kept you sane during the bear market? And what words of wisdom do you have for folks who experience this as their first bear cycle?

That's a good question. I think it is different for each person. For me, what keeps me going is probably curiosity and also the fact that people keep building in this space. There's always something to explore, some new meta to invest in, etc. Hanging out in the EVMavs discord also helped me a lot to find out new things to check out. That's the good thing about this community. It has a bunch of curious and active people in the space, each interested and focused on their own niche. Anything from gamefi, memes, DeFi, etc. It really is a great community with good overall knowledge in the web3 space.

Let's hear about your IRL for a bit, how do you usually spend time outside of crypto? What are your hobbies?

I tend to have a busy schedule due to irl work, so not much time left for many other things. Really my major hobby is crypto and investing at this point. But other than that, I enjoy a few other things. Playing pool is a hobby of mine since I was 15 or so. Then my latest thing is taking care of about 60+ plants that my significant other and I have in our house. Lots of work there, but fun activity.

Any alpha or advice that you can give us? It can be anything.

I'd say take your time to learn how to evaluate the info you are receiving and also learn how to control and understand your feelings when trading. Whether that's greed, FUD, or FOMO, learn to recognize and act accordingly. That's not really alpha or anything new, but something that I think makes a big difference in crypto investing. I'm still learning myself how to master all that to be honest.

Lastly, is there anything else you want to share with us, Whatthefuck? The stage is yours!

Nothing crazy. Just to sum it up, stay curious, engage in good communities, learn from others, and have fun along the way.

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