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The first time I went to church was probably at a construction site

I was a laborer

The minister had a face that looked like the gnarled bark of a very old tree

He was the lead carpenter and I don’t think he liked me very much

Understandable: I barely knew how to hold a hammer

The eucharist was a horribly dry peanut butter and jam sandwich

Blood of Christ, jellied for you

The cathedral was a cold and wet, freshly framed bunkie on the side of a cliff

The incense was a mason’s soggy, wilted cigarette

My nose was cold and the secondhand smoke stung my lungs

The frigid drizzle turned to a downpour as we finished the sacraments in silence

“Goddammit” said the minister

The sermon

The parish was located on an island and the building-in-progress still had no ceiling. So we closed the service and headed home.

The driving rain felt like stinging nettles on our faces as we sped home in a roofless, tin boat

The next service I attended was in the bowels of an oil refinery

We were shoring up the ceiling to replace a rotting steel lintel

The call to worship was a bout of laughter from the foreman

The millwright had told a dirty joke

We had an altar call when the new, thousand pound lintel nearly slipped off the forklift and onto our heads

All attendants swore loyalty to Christ that day

Another service was in the streets of Tokyo at 2am with some friends. Our plane had just landed and it was dark and cold and rainy and we were waiting for a ride and a place to sleep

We sang together to pass the time

Most recently I attended mass in the taproom of a local brewery with a friend

We drank beer in the middle of the day and laughed about being sent to hell


I met God when putting my 5 year old daughter to bed and we giggled at Grover from Sesame Street trying to sing about the hole at the bottom of the sea

And I saw the person of Christ when Jonathan Van Ness taught strangers the delicate art of loving themselves on Queer Eye

“In the world and not of it”
is what was said

So we formed an organization
Where we met and broke bread

For a time, there was life
In the things that were said

But an institution needs cashflow
And salaries

A board of elders
Who must at all costs
Be kept happy

Is this really what he meant?

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