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Meaning Seeker

Meaning Seeker

Why do you ponder the limbs of a tree?

What do its spreading arms give to you?

Why do you hunt for reflections of the universe in the movements of a deer?

When you cry to the stars, why expect a whisper or an answer?

Oh, seeker, you have tried it all, no?

You have called on the heavens to bestow meaning on your life

You have looked for it in loved ones

Reducing their infinite value to tokens for your spending

You have travelled
And Wept

All this with a fragile hope to receive the meaning for which you desperately long

But the heavens appear silent

Or perhaps they have already spoken

Do the legends not tell of a maker who formed thee in their image?

Could it be
Seeker, you are not
But rather


It is you who looks upon a tree and names it such
It is you who notices its production of oxygen
How its branches form like the veins in lungs
And you that call it life giver

Meaning Maker
It is you who one day looks on the tree and says
“No longer shall you give life by your limbs and leaves. Rather you will give life by being the shelter for me and my children.
“I will teach you to stretch and straighten your limbs in such a way that they will form the roof of my dwelling, the table from which we eat, and the beds in which we rest".

Meaning Maker
It is you who looks on the deer and names it graceful
And you who changes the graceful creature into sustenance for your body

Meaning is not yours to find, Maker.

It is yours to create.

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