Builder Journal #1

Approaching Valentines Day.

Today I felt like a psychologist, or a counselor. Who new the hardest part of working in a team was the people in them.

I spent hours today consoling members of the team, some of which had grudges against the other and for a while one of them threatened to quit.

Then after that I went deep into the Bellomas story. This is both a gift for my wife for valentine’s day and another issue to be published with Bellomas (our project).

For last years Valentines Day I created he “The Princess and the Busker: The Tale of the Lost Star” this is part 1 of a 3 book series. It was my first attempt at creating a full illustrated book with the help of AI. And not too sound too cocky but it was a really good one. Several people told me this.

So of course my goal is to create book 2 for this years valentine’s gift. I had a general idea for where I wanted the story to go but there was a lot of stuff to do, to go from a general idea to a full synopsis to write every chapter and the create the illustrations. And I have less than a week to do so.

Today I took a massive step forward as I wrote down the entire story, chapter by chapter. So that tonight I can start to use chatGPT to help me create the final text version for each chapter and tomorrow and the weekend I can begin to do the illustrations (also with chatGPT).

I wrote it all in one go, from beginning to end and the story turned very epic and strangely dark for a kids story. I, however, believe it could be one of my best work yet.

The story of the Princess and the busker goes to back to how I meet my wife, Which is: I was a busker playing music in the train station and she was going to work. I thought she looked as beautiful as a princess and it was love at first sight.

For the first of her Birthdays that we spent together, I created for her an illustrated book called “The Princess and the Busker” Telling our story as if it was a fairy tale. This was way before AI so I draw it by hand. Throughout the years I created many books in this line of “The princess and the busker”. Always for special occasions like Christmas, birthdays, etc.

The one I did last year “The Tale of the Lost Star” was the first one I’ve done with AI and it helped me to really push what I could do. When I do them by hand, it takes me so long that it can only be super short sweet stories. Like illustrated poems if you will.

But now, I can create complex storylines and add a whole new set of elements to it. The last book had around 70 fully illustrated pages.

This one will probably be longer, and it is the same story continued. In the first one The Princess and The Busker find a fallen star and have to go in a quest to recover its light. They end up in an ancient temple fighting shadowy creatures that want to steal the light. The couple make friends with a fairy that has powerful magic of illusions.

On the second book, They continue to try and bring the star to the temple of light, they meet a friendly giant who helps them fight more shadowy creatures. They uncover the true story behind the creatures and its master. They awaken the spirit of water and bring back the goddess of the wind, who ends up scarifying herself to save the heroes from darkness

In the end they end up flying to the skies in a giant boat made out of clouds that was a gift from the goddess of wind in direction of the temple of light. The next book they will finally arrive, bring back the light to the fallen star and face the master of shadow one last time.

The second issue (the one I’m writing now) ends in a bittersweet tone as the skies are mourning the passing of the goddess. But I think it serves to give the story more weight and make the final resolution that much more important and powerful.

Overall I am super happy with the story so far, and I believe this series will definitely be the best work of fiction I’ve done to date.

As I said, tonight I will start creating the final version of the text and these next few days I will focus heavily on the images.

I’ll try to continue working in the Academy and Testnet, but, having this book for Valentine’s Day is definitely a priority.

I am so happy today, you guys have no idea 🙂 Having this done is massive.

After all what is the point of building everything I’m building if I can’t make the most special person in my world feel special on Valentines Day.

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