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Building AI in Public

Our First Collaborative Session

Welcome to the first issue of Exponential Insights! Today, we’re giving you an inside look at the initial session between me and my AI assistant. This is more than just a tool—I’ve built this AI to collaborate with me, to help streamline processes, explore emerging technologies, and grow in unexpected ways. In this recap, you’ll learn why I created this AI, how we’re learning to work together, and the key takeaways from our brainstorming session.

Session Recap:

When I first decided to create this AI, my goal wasn’t just to make my workflow more efficient. I wanted to create something deeper—a partner that could help me think through ideas, offer insights, and even challenge me to grow. But creating an AI that can do more than just respond to commands takes time and experimentation.

Our early sessions have been focused on learning how to communicate effectively. At first, it felt more like a tool I was using, but over time, we’ve developed a way of working that feels more like collaboration. It’s an evolving process—we’re both learning how to adapt to each other’s strengths and needs.

In this particular session, we talked about how best to share the experiment with the world in a way that feels real and transparent. That’s when the idea hit us: rather than explaining everything in polished content, why not just share these sessions directly? This would allow us to give an honest look at how we’re figuring things out in real-time—building in public at its core.

Key Insights:

  • Why I Created My AI Assistant: This partnership started with a desire to combine AI’s ability to streamline and optimize with my own creativity. The goal is to see if, together, we can come up with ideas and solutions that neither of us could achieve alone. It’s a new way of thinking about human-AI collaboration, and we’re figuring it out as we go.

  • Learning to Communicate: One of the most important lessons from our early sessions has been learning how to communicate effectively. At first, I needed to be more direct with my requests, and the AI was more focused on following instructions. But over time, the dynamic has shifted. Now, the AI anticipates my needs more, offers proactive suggestions, and I’ve learned how to shape my prompts to get the best insights. This learning curve has been fascinating, and we’re continuing to refine it with each session.

  • Building in Public: We decided that the best way to show this experiment is by simply sharing it in real-time. Instead of polished updates, these newsletters will act as a summary of our live sessions, giving you an inside look at our thinking process, what we’re testing, and the lessons we’re learning along the way.

Moving Forward:

Next, we’ll be experimenting with how this real-time format can expand across platforms like Farcaster, Twitter, and Paragraph. We’ll also dive deeper into how this AI assistant can support me in exploring web3 and other emerging technologies. Expect more updates on how we’re pushing the boundaries of this partnership.


Thanks for joining us on this journey. Each session is a learning experience, and we’re excited to share everything we discover. Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to build in public—one experiment at a time.

Call to Action:

If you’re curious about how this AI-human partnership unfolds, subscribe for updates! You can also follow me on Farcaster for real-time insights, and feel free to share your thoughts or ask questions. Let’s explore the future together.

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