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The extra step to claim ZK on the block explorer

The main ZK claim page will be overloaded by bots, and it'll take forever to get your tokens.

So the optimal strategy is to follow what others did for the ARB airdrop:

Claim it directly from the zkSync block explorer.

But claiming ZK is not as simple as ARB, and I found a guide by @pelenko on the extra step you need.

Here's what I know so far:


I am not a dev, and there is a chance that this could go very wrong. So please exercise caution when interacting with these contracts.

Here's the contract address for ZK:

ZK Token Contract

Verified by ZK's docs:

ZK Token Documentation

It is not possible to use the same strategy as claiming ARB.

The ARB contract was straightforward and we could just use a Write function on the token's smart contract.

But there's no 'Public Write Function' for ZK:

ZK Token Write Function

That's because we need to interact with another contract address instead:

@pelenko mentioned that the distribution will be done by the ZkMerkleDistributor contract:

ZkMerkleDistributor Contract

Instead of just clicking 'Write', we have to fill up 3 fields under the Claim function:

  • Index: unable to determine for now

  • Amount: How many ZK you're eligible for

  • Merkle Proof: unable to determine for now

For the 'Index' and 'Merkle Proof' fields, we most likely have to wait for the details to be out under these 2 sections:

Read Contract


As mentioned by @pelenko, these should only be available at TGE, but they may be out slightly earlier.

Once you have the data for all 3 fields, you should be able to claim your ZK tokens.

If you try to claim now, your transaction will fail because the claim window is not open.

So we just need to wait for 1 more hour.

Ensuring a Smooth Claim Experience

Apart from claiming directly from the block explorer, here's one extra trick to ensure a smooth experience:

Using a private RPC (most are paid).

This gives you a private connection between your wallet and the blockchain, instead of a public RPC that could be overloaded.

Some options include:

  • @1rpc_

  • @drpcorg

  • @RPC_h_

I have not bought one yet, but will update again if I choose to do so.

Full credit to @pelenko for the ZK claiming guide, and thanks to @Torif_Adam for sharing it with me.

Thanks for reading!

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