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Flarnchain - Newsletter #144 - Osmosis, Kujira, Decentr, COSMOS

Bull market baby!

an ocean of knowledge, one inch deep

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I'm aware that many of you, perhaps most of you who actually read this are probably no longer receiving this newsletter on Wednesdays. Don't fret. I think I've figured out a solution to returning to proper e-mail format newsletters, but it still requires a bit more infrastructure that I have to build out to make it work properly. For now, you will have to resort to receiving this hosted newsletter, each and every week, like a somewhat unpredictable, but still atomic clock.

Newsletter ideas

My plan is basically to use some of the other e-mail addresses that I've created over the past year, specifically:

This expands the total number of emails I'm able to send out via the old method, where I can just break the subscribers up into smaller groups. So I should be able to max out at 600 subscriptions this way, and also this means that I'm technically not paying for any e-mail service.

I'm curious to figure out a way to wire up these e-mails through a command-line interface environment. I'm also curious to know if this violates any of Google's terms of services. I don't think it does... but there's a chance that it's in a bit of a grey area. I'm not interested in reading Google's terms of services, because that might take a really long time, so I think I'm just going to give it a go in the next few weeks.

Who knows, by then I might have a more permanent solution working where I can get back to building a newsletter my own way, without relying on planforms like which sometimes doesn't work so great. I can keep using this place as a Web3 based blog and a way to continue to build the community, but the heart of the flarnchain newsletter is in a sort of "built from scratch" mentality.

Sure, using the gmail client to send e-mails is most definitely not from scratch, and building my own e-mail relay service is still probably 2-4 years away after learning the amount of engineering involved in such an endeavor, but alas, we can't have what we want, right now, sometimes we gotta wait a bit.

The crypto markets

Speaking of waiting... We've been waiting a very long time for this. The crypto markets are most definitely in some sort of bull market πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‚. Let's take a quick glance at the weekly chart:

I spent some time updating the chart this week with some new formatting. Hope it's easier to read. It's probably still cluttered but I'm going to stick with this format through the end of year 3, and come up with a new and better design starting with year 4, probably back to the original one.

So we can see that Bitcoin has blasted off past $36k, and is working it's way towards $40k. Just 2 weeks ago I had to increase the y-axis on this chart to $40k. Will I need to do that again in the next few weeks?

We can see that Ethereum is almost into the $2k range, which is certainly exciting. Back to being up Big on the year with a 17% return if you bought at the beginning of Flarnchain Year 3. Also, Cosmos Hub $ATOM, while still down pretty bad, is starting to show some life.

Market Animal

Based on all of that, it's clear that this week's market animal is again, a bull. I'm going to have to just copy cat last week and grab the peak bull market bull sequence. Now we have 4 bulls in a row, and we might see some interesting bulls in the coming weeks. I'm definitely going to work on an interesting animation and cleaning up some of these bulls because they certainly have a charm to them. I forget how much I love drawing with Microsoft Paint...

We can see the 4th bull now has angry eyes. and the up-only arrow is on fire. Things are getting serious. I saw a cryptocurrency called KASPA that's up over 2,000% this year. That's some serious gains. Watch out for FOMO! If you want to start investing in this market right now, more power to you, but realize the risks. Crypto assets are up 100%, 200%, even 2000% -> be cautious about your emotions, and only invest what you can afford to lose 100% of what you put in.

Plus, speaking of MS paint, did anyone notice that the most classic graphics software just had one of it's biggest updates in decades! They now allow for layers and there's also a mysterious AI integration tool. You can delete backgrounds from images just like in Photoshop. Also long as these new features don't get in the way of the classic bare bones approach that MS Paint has been known for... I'm all for it!

More cosmos mayhem

This week saw some more mayhem in the Cosmos Network. Pretty much every cryptocurrency in the cosmos network is up a lot. Like, it's totally insane. I'm fairly well exposed in my crypto portfolio to cosmos network assets, and I'm feeling fomo (fear of missing out) pretty hard right now. The reason is that I didn't really buy a whole lot of crypto assets (hardly any) during the past bear market.

I spent the vast majority of any profit taking from the Bull market on daycare for my daughter and essentially inflation. It feels bad that I didn't have hardly any dry powder to throw on the wet blanket that was crypto during the bear, but that's the classic reason why it's important to understand these cycles, and stock up on liquid and lower risk cash-type assets during the bull market, so you can have fun during these crazy explosive rallies.

That said, let's still bask in the glory that is just completely bonkers gains in the past week in some of my favorite crypto projects, these are all Cosmos Network, and these are all Native Coins, so stand alone sovereign cryptocurrencies that secure their respective blockchain.

First up, it's Osmosis

I love Osmosis. It was the first airdrop I received for staking Cosmos Hub, and it's one of the first decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that was user friendly enough that I was capable of utilizing without any major issues. Osmosis is up 98% this month.

Look at that green, up-only chart! Now, before we move on, these charts are all 30 day charts, so the price action from the past 30 days. To make sure everyone understands the context, I'll show the Osmosis chart... but for it's maximum available data range. This should hopefully put into stark contrast the difference between peak mania bull market and coming out of a bear market.

so when we zoom out, that massive 98% increase looks like a little blip on the radar. Yes, $OSMO is up 98%, but to reach all time highs it needs to almost 20x from it's current price of $0.56

Next, Kujira

Moving on, let's talk about the Cinderella story of the bull market Kujira. Kujira is a sort of all-in-one decentralized finance platform, that is also it's own sovereign blockchain in the Cosmos Network. It's Native Coin is $KUJI, and it's up big this week. Also, it has a cool story. It used to just be a token on the Terra Luna ecosystem, and after Do Kwon, Sam Bankman Fried and other dummies Icaris'ed themselves by flying too close to the sun, Kuji went down with the entire ecosystem.

Developers of Kuji picked themselves up, built a sovereign blockchain and brought their community along with them to an incredibly well designed defi ecosystem, which is currently thriving and really was quite strong during the bear market. Here's the Kujira 30 day chart:

Kuji is straight up going bonkers. It's up 30% just today. Kuji Is up a whopping 316% in the past month!

Full disclosure, I only have a few $KUJI, so my portfolio has increased by about $10 during this rally, unfortunately for me. Every time I was interested in accumulating more Kuji... I just didn't have a whole lot of unstaked crypto assets, so I just watched the project grow and build, and enjoyed watching their success from the sidelines so to speak.

Last but not least, Decentr

Decentr is an interesting one. This is an actual product-app-chain. It's a web browser. The Decentr web browser is a Chromium based browser that has a built in blockchain, with it's own native currency called $DEC. Let met tell you, DEC is up big this week. I've played around with the browser a few times over the past couple of years, but really haven't been accumulating DEC because I wasn't really sure that the team was legit. However, I'm going to be keeping my eye on this project and using their web browser (called Charon) more frequently moving forward. Here's the monthly chart for Decentr:

$DEC is up a staggering 412% in the past 30 days. This is one of those low cap gems your favorite tik-tock or youtube influencer is going to start talking about in the heat of the mania phase of the bull market. Because it's only $0.01 per coin right now, the market cap is incredibly low (a paltry $1.8 million, compared to $334 million for $OSMO and $365 million for $KUJI <whoa! kuji flipped osmo today>).

Anyways, back to my point, with a $1.8 million market cap, Decentr is teeny tiny. It's an eentsy-teensy-tiny-pico cap crypto-asset. I've been using some of my staking rewards from the bigger chains that I'm staking on to buy a few $DEC here and there. You can buy 100 for $1, so why not? If the bull market kicks off like the last one, then this actual browser, with an actual product, with a built in VPN service paid with DEC, then the Decentr market cap could go... who knows... to $1 billion? That's not even ridiculous for a crypto-asset in a bull market without a use case. Just to remind everyone, Dogecoin currently has a market cap of $10 BILLION.

Anyways, that's probably enough for tonight. This was a long one!

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week.




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