Flarnchain - Newsletter #160 - $60k Bitcoin

That was fast!

An ocean of knowledge, one inch deep

Welcome to the Flarnchain newsletter, brought to your inbox each and every week like an atomic clock. This week marks the 160th week in a row of writing this newsletter, and I'm getting started pretty late so let's jump right into it.

News this week is all about Bitcoin. Bitcoin jumped from $50k to $60k this week, and peaked around $62k earlier today. For reference Bitcoin's all time high was $69k, and just 3 weeks ago I made a pretty big deal about the price of Bitcoin hitting $50k. Seems like there's been accelerant thrown on the fire that is a growing crypto bull market. The total market capitalization of all crypto right now stands a about $2.4 trillion, which is a lot higher than last week, thanks to Bitcoin's huge surge.

check out that 7 day price action for Bitcoin!

As such, this week's market animal is obviously a bull ().

64x64 pixels of glory

No, the above drawing is not ai generated, I just drew that on a 64x64 pixel canvas. I think I'm stuck drawing things that look like frogs for a while, because I've been drawing lots of frogs the past few weeks. This bull kind of looks like a mixture between a pig and a frog. There's a saying in investing: bulls make money, bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered. Hopefully this piggish looking drawing isn't a bad omen.

Speaking of frogs...


frogs is an nft collection of frogs that minted out on the stargaze blockchain last week. The entire collection minted out within 8 minutes of going public, so that's pretty sweet. I deployed the collection on Thursday night, and it automatically did it's thing during the day on Fresh Mint Friday. If you want to check out the frogs collection, you can find it here: https://www.stargaze.zone/m/frogs/tokens

These are some of the frogs for sale on the secondary market. They are currently trading for around $15.

Now that frogs is deployed, I know how to deploy a mintable nft collection on stargaze with unique traits and rarities. This collection was an awful lot of fun to create, and I have a "frog generation engine" that can create around 18 billion permutations of different frogs based on all of the traits I drew. I used this engine to generate only 320 frogs, so I'm going to use the engine again to generate another ~3,800 frogs and launch a side collection tentatively named "frog pfps" where holders of frogs will receive an airdrop, and the rest of the frogs will be mintable on stargaze.

The reason why I'm doing this is because I need to learn how to do an airdrop, and I wanted to extend the collection of frogs with a profile picture collection. This collection is going to be 4,200 pictures of frogs with little picture frames around them. They are designed to be used as a PFP or "ProFile Picture" which is a popular thing amongst nft collector communities. I hope this collection does well enough that some people actually change their pfp to a frog. That would be the highlight of my artistic endeavors:

a frog pfp of frog id #1, the frog king

The thing that is good about doing this collection, is that I will get to learn how to airdrop nfts to specific wallets. Also, because the collection is substantially larger than my first collection (actually 10x larger), I will get to test out my ability to generate thousands (as opposed to hundreds) of nft images via my art engine build in Python. I'm curious to know how long the engine has to run for it to generate all 4,200 pieces. I haven't finished all of the art for this collection, as I would like to create several different picture frames and I'd like to modify some of the color filters on some specific frogs to give the collection a bit more variety, but my goal is to finish this by the end of February (so I have basically just tomorrow night to do this), so that I can focus on the next big collection I'm working on in March called Puppy Cerberus. more on that later.

52 weeks of huahua

Last and not least, let's talk about 52 weeks of huahua. I started this little experiment in December, and we are now on week 13. I have purchased over 1 million huahua. Last week my weekly purchases were on average down by about 50% - because Bitcoin is pumping, huahua has spiked substantially, and now my huahua is up by about 30%. Here's the price of huahua over the past 3 months for reference:

huahua is a memecoin, so mega volatilitiy

That giant spike is when i started the initiative. Memecoins behave this way. There's usually a huge impulse / spike in price, and then as people take profits, the price gradually winds down to a floor. If the memcoin has a strong base of holders, or any sort of interesting utility or narrative, the new floor is still much higher than the previous floor, but much lower than the tippy top of the spike. You can see that the new floor leveled off around $0.0002 after spiking at around $0.001.

I've been accumulating huahua in that floor range of $0.0002. After the bitcoin pump, huahua pumped to around $0.0003. This strategy is banking on several even bigger spikes than that first one that occurred in mid-December. For reference, in the previous bull market, huahua peaked at very close to $0.01. The ultimate ideal scenario is for huahua to pump all the way back to those levels, whereby I will promptly take massive profits. Chances of success? less than 100%, more than 0%.

Okay that's all for tonight folks, hope you enjoy the rest of your weeks and have a wonderful night/morning/afternoon.



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