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The Core Aspects (+ Asset link)

An outline for some core and evolving project values for expansion and development


In this post, there are Core Concepts and Values behind ‘Fountellion’ and ‘The Spiral’ labels that the (origin) writings only begin to explore or illuminate. They form part of a potential ‘metaverse’ that anyone may share possession of, or contribute to.

This text is represented by a collectible NFT/asset on AO computer in 2024 to decentralise these ideas, so that others may, if they wish or are able, to ‘own’, i.e.: oversee, expand, protect, and carry on the concept or vision.

Core Aspects and Values of Fountellion: TELLER ASSET

Holders of this fractionalised atomic asset are 'Tellers' of the project.

Note: There was also an original token on Ethereum in 2021 (here) fractionalised with TELL tokens - but is no longer 'the one'!
But the initial text has been used and then updated here for this post (stored via this post on Arweave). Note: This post itself is not collectible.

Below is my most recent outline for some Core Aspects (also see links at the bottom of this page).

A central mission is to try and encourage a wider community involvement in the game + fabric development, beyond the creative content generation, stories, art and AI chatbot adventures and closer towards a real, evolving permaworld, permagame or immersive game(s) etc...

a rusty old virtual key is one way to access the 'secret garden' game. But also, players were finding themselves drawn into it more and more, or via 'holes' appearing other worlds...

of a proposed 'regenerative' game design (and metaverse):

‘Fountellion in The Spiral’

This Text etc:

The following Core Aspects & Values reside in the hands of anyone who owns a portion of the Asset that represents this text (a 'Teller') via AO network 2024+.

This text itself can and may evolve over time, if agreed upon by Tellers.

It is hoped a DAO can be created and evolve, with voting rights for owners, and a documents page. This text will ultimately be overseen there.

The Origin concepts and evolving, associated writings and artwork now exist in the public domain (CC0: No Rights Reserved). Funds from which are to enter community treasury via Ade's Press initially.

Any actual Fountellion game or ‘green metaverse’ should also exist open-source, but governed by a DAO overseen by Tellers and Keepers in a community.

Keeper NFT holders (and other possible related token holders) will also have rights within a core community which should exist to work together to bring value to the project and their NFTs. This could include AdesPress NFTs and lead to an airdrop to further promote ideas or areas of the regenerative game concept.

Tellers will decide, vote on what NFT projects are Keeper NFTs.


What is 'Regenerative'?


This word should be at the heart of Fountellion as a game which not only may or may not regenerate itself but particularly the players exposed to its experience and progression. The dream is that the game reaches a certain level of authenticity in its simulation of the natural world as to be a teacher to its players.

If hunting and gathering lies at the heart of so many game experiences, the idea is that this game realises this in a realistic way and also incorporates human and spiritual aspects and also some fantastic elements if they serve to strengthen the former. It brings people back to a natural affinity and a longing for escape or for more experiences and learning there just as it does in reality. It regenerates people and gives them more relevant or fulfilling life skills, or at least, reconnection with natural (simulated) environment and biomes.

'Regenerative' also applies to the island setting from an Easter Island sustainability perspective. The realistic, persistent experience strengthens the player awareness of an ecosystem and of mutual survival, the need to adapt well and be sustainable. The biome could be selected or ideally could suit the players to help them learn about their own immediate outside environment. Soulbound 'Insights' are gleaned once and help illustrate a 'regen' awareness of the role of a person to an ecosystem.



This (ground-breaking) natural-world virtual simulation and game. It ‘teaches’ its players experientially about the power of nature, environment, interconnectedness, evolution, cooperation/collaboration, the role of creatures to ecosystem etc…

Within it are hidden ‘insights’ which are unlocked by completing stages, most in any order.

The name Fountellion (Fountain Island) relates to a whispering fountain within a certain area of the game-world.

(The Spiral: This is where the Fountellion game may appear, hidden within  — or breaking through — this outer metaverse of more superfluous, industrial, experimental etc., interconnected virtual worlds, sims etc. Links between the two can be/are important just as with the mind and body.)

Unlike other ‘metaverse’ or game world ideas, Fountellion is rooted in the natural world, with game elements cast upon it, and which can also affect it (it’s a responsive world).

Note, that within its programming are variables that enable its environment to evolve via advanced algorithms. Also, something akin to A-LIFE NFTs could act as super-’organic’ flora and fauna within the game fabric. Game iterations could be made to start with pre-set, specific ‘biomes’ for players instead of levels. It is accessed via fully immersive devices or AR overlay interfaces. It could also be a layer 2 on top of our existing world map.

Fountellion is supposed to be a locked world at genesis, but there may be hints that this may not be completely the case. It’s an idea to explore. It might need intervention by Tellers, or have 'fail-safes' for its growth.

What is Fountellion’s fate and influence?

Will it aid in the promotion of a ‘greener’ outlook for its players, and for humanity? Does it help with game addiction by illuminating the natural world, or via its own hybrid, evolving flora and fauna? Will it help in (re-)‘greening’ mass culture via promotion of a keener awareness of movements such as: Permaculture, rewilding, sustainability, biodiversity, correct landscaping and diversified farming and agroforestry.

How does the game balance life and death?

The technical nature of Fountellion should be persistent, responsive, permanently stored, autonomous, decentralised and governed.

Project + Community:


The project is open and diverse. Anyone may contribute new content, writings, artwork, programming, creative works via proposals etc. but only owners of the Core Aspects will have the right to decide if it can be included into 'Origin' or related NFT collections.

Future or extra NFT collections will not be 'Origin', but they may be approved of by Tellers and Keepers and a community to bring further development or value to the concepts.

These Core Aspects can be altered if agreed upon by Tellers of the Core Aspects NFT (everything evolves).

Collectible NFTs of characters, game elements etc: These could be better designed and created to raise funding for Fountellion-related projects, the community or by and for individual token holders.

The value of the ‘Core Aspects’ Asset should theoretically rise where value is added to the core vision by those contributing to it. A range of expertise in the token-holders would also help in this and ways for new talent and individuals to become influential.

It is especially hoped that profits from Fountellion-related success such as transaction fees could be translated beyond a game world or concept to assist externally our real planet via green charity, conservation etc. This is how true metaverses overlap.

None of this yet exists. It is only at the conceptual stage, and via some personal ‘foundational’ or origin writings, eg:
 — ‘In The Spiral: Connected Stories and Fragments from the Virtual Future’
 — ‘Fountellion in The Spiral: Greenwise and the Nature of the Game’
 — Origin NFTs, Paragraph and Gitbook online publications.
— AI origin Generators.
(Ade's Press).

About the Author/Founder:
I intend to continue writing/editing my related stories, but have no means to guarantee their completion, audience or technical expansion. My power to collaborate is also limited. I look to the potential of joint ownership via NFT to elaborate on a vision, which is really Nature’s vision and those of scientists and game-designers who’ve illuminated it in different ways for me, and now, to all the blockchain specialists and builders who are empowering new communities, concepts and their projects to complement our real lives.

7th Sept 2021.
Updated 8/2022.
Updated 6/2024.

Be involved…


I am currently ready to distribute fractions of the Core Aspect NFT/Asset....

Get in touch via links below if you've explored the project and are ready to help expand or contribute to the project.

Gradually the project could decentralise into a DAO with shared multi-sig etc.

The current value of the tokens are inconsequential. The Core Aspects, FKEEP token and Keeper NFTs etc. are all a means to govern and incentivise - and to protect - a green-orientated creative project with a long runway ahead.

(10 Asset fractions are reserved for myself and family.)


  • Fountellion on (@greenmetaverse)




Best green wishes, and progression.

ade mc @ ade's press


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